Collateral Damage: VLC vs Mozdevs

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Collateral Damage: VLC vs Mozdevs

Postby DrWattsOn » 22 Nov 2014 02:05

Edited below.
Isn't the user the most important person you write code for?
Then, in your apparently ongoing war with Mozilla re: Firefox reporting out of date VLC Plug-In,
why should the user (and I am willing to stand up, stand apart, and just STAND, and "dish out and
take my lumps") have to put up with the vitriol pointed at Mozilla devs from VLC devs.
Besides it being simply immature, as a NON-coder, I will bet that it would be trivial to
simply make it so that a new version of the VLC app would change an otherwise unchanged
plug-in to another version identifier within the plug-in, so that they would track.
How the hell do you display your concern for the most important person in this WAR: the USER,
and that (as I said, I will stand alone if necessary) means ME!!!?
HOWEVER: I have just re-read thread #113077, and so I see that
it is a very complex problem.
So, can you provide workaround instructions, and just leave it as is, and I'm happy with
doing a workaround, though perplexed that it seems unsolvable after all. Its like when you
ask for directions and the person says "You can't get there from here"! :lol:
And my preceding expressions of passion do not alter my admiration of VLC devs for
writing the absolutely best multimedia app,

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