Network stream with spaces and german umlauts..

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Network stream with spaces and german umlauts..

Postby vlc_user2 » 15 Jul 2014 19:28

Hello together,

First: Sorry for my english :)
I'm using version 2.1.3 on a windows 8.1 x64 machine and I have problems with starting a video on the command line. Source of the video is a network storage and I want to use ftp links.

I'm a bit confused, because I don't understand the behaviour of the VLC. There is no problem with a file, if there is no space in the path to the file. These files can contain umlauts like "ä" and "ö" without causing problems. Other files with one or more spaces in the name or path, but without umlauts are unproblematic too (if I replace space with %20).

But if path or file are containing spaces and umlauts, the VLC doesn't find the file?!?

Here an example that works:
'ftp://user:pass@ip:port/mnt/movies/HD%20Filme/ProSieben_Die_Simpsons20140708_181756.ts' ..=======> i in Simpsons. Path with spaces: "HD Filme".
'ftp://user:pass@ip:port/mnt/movies/ProSieben_Die_Sömpsons20140708_181756.ts' ..............=======> ö in Simpsons. Path without spaces.

Here an example that doesn't works:
'ftp://user:pass@ip:port/mnt/movies/HD%20Filme/ProSieben_Die_Sömpsons20140708_181756.ts'...=======> ö in Simpsons. Path with %20 instead of spaces: "HD Filme".
'ftp://user:pass@ip:port/mnt/movies/HD Filme/ProSieben_Die_Sömpsons20140708_181756.ts'...=======> ö in Simpsons. Path with spaces: "HD Filme".

The error log says (Qualität -1) :

access_ftp error: file or directory does not exist
main error: open of `user:pass@ip:port/mnt/movies/HD%20Filme/ProSieben_Die_Sömpsons20140708_181756.ts' failed

I tried to fix it by replacing the umlaut "ö" with "%F6" but it didn't work.

regards vlc_user

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