"TS discontinuity" & tuning

About encoding, codec settings, muxers and filter usage

"TS discontinuity" & tuning

Postby Jampy » 08 Aug 2005 16:06

Hi again, I still have problems streaming DVB-S....

Using the command
vlc dvb: --sout udp:
I was able to watch an ASTRA test channel quite well. After playing with some --dvb-XXX commands however that does not work anymore, I'm getting LOTS of TS dicontionuity errors:

VLC media player 0.8.2 Janus
Remote control interface initialized, `h' for help
[00000220] dvb access error: CAMInit: no compatible CAM module
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 15, expected 0)
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 15, expected 0)
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 15, expected 0)
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 15, expected 0)
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 15, expected 0)
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 15, expected 0)
[00000220] dvb access error: DMXSetFilter: failed with -1 (Device or resource busy)
[00000220] dvb access error: DMXSetFilter failed
[00000220] dvb access error: DMXSetFilter: failed with -1 (Device or resource busy)
[00000220] dvb access error: DMXSetFilter failed
[00000220] dvb access error: DMXSetFilter: opening device failed (Too many open files)
[00000220] dvb access error: DMXSetFilter failed
[00000220] dvb access error: DMXSetFilter: opening device failed (Too many open files)
[00000220] dvb access error: DMXSetFilter failed
many more of these
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 10, expected 11)
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 9, expected 10)
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 9, expected 10)
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 2, expected 3)
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 2, expected 3)
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 12, expected 13)
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 12, expected 13)
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 2, expected 3)
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 2, expected 3)

Note I got these DMXSetFilter also when the ASTRA channel has been streamed correctly.

I still have no clue how to choose the desired DVB channel with VLC...!?
I'm not that familiar with DVB frequencies and stuff.

Playing directly from /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 still works.

Any suggestions?


Postby Jampy » 08 Aug 2005 16:24

Also, the docs say:

"11739000 is the frequency of the transponder you want to stream from in Hz"

But shouldn't that be a 1000 times larger value?

Using szap I get:

# ./szap "Eurosport" -rx
reading channels from file '/root/.szap/channels.conf'
zapping to 'Eurosport':
sat 0, frequency = 11954 MHz H, symbolrate 27500000, vpid = 0x019a, apid = 0x01a4
using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0'
status 1f | signal a1a1 | snr e1e1 | ber 009ffff6 | unc 00000046 | FE_HAS_LOCK

So I tried:
vlc dvb: --ts-es-id-pid --dvb-frequency 11954000000 --dvb-srate 27500000 --dvb-voltage=18 --sout udp:


vlc dvb: --ts-es-id-pid --dvb-frequency 11954000 --dvb-srate 27500000 --dvb-voltage=18 --sout udp:

but in both cases I got all these "TS dicontinuity" errors... :(

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby jix » 09 Aug 2005 02:58

You have to add --programs xxx to choose the channel you want to see. If you don't precise it VLC opens the first one.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 39
Joined: 06 Jun 2005 16:39

Postby MariaMaggio » 28 Sep 2005 18:15

Hello Jampy,
I have this problem: I have configured vlc with this command
./configure --enable-dvb --with-dvb=/dvb-kernel/build-2.6
following your example I use --with-dvb=/dvb-kernel/build-2.6 too in the options.
But whem I type

vlc --program 8211 dvb:12597000:0:3:27500000 --sout udp: --ttl 12


vlc --program 8211 dvb:

The output is

00000460] main input error: no suitable access module for `dvb:12597000:0:3:27500000'
[00000453] main playlist: nothing to play

Please can you help me?

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby aln » 17 Oct 2005 17:20

If it helps, here is my setup. I use vlm telnet interface for setting up the channels, but the options work the same from command line. This is working also with a Nova-T. Anyway, take into account that there are several versions of the Nova-T that have an entirely different chipset.

new tdt broadcast enabled
setup tdt input "dvb:"
setup tdt option ts-es-id-pid
setup tdt option dvb-adapter=1
setup tdt option dvb-budget-mode=1
setup tdt option dvb-frequency=770000000
setup tdt option dvb-inversion=0
setup tdt option dvb-bandwidth=8
setup tdt option dvb-code-rate-hp=2
setup tdt option dvb-code-rate-lp=2
setup tdt option dvb-modulation=0
setup tdt option dvb-transmission=8
setup tdt option dvb-guard=0
setup tdt option dvb-hierarchy=0
setup tdt output #duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,url=},select="program=1377", dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,url=},select="program=1441", dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,url=},select="program=1121", dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,url=},select="program=1057", dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,url=},select="program=1185"}

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 39
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Postby MariaMaggio » 17 Oct 2005 17:42

please can you sugest me how to set parameter if I use vlc?

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 13
Joined: 05 Jan 2005 17:58

Postby aln » 17 Oct 2005 18:27

You can start vlc in daemon mode:

vlc -d --intf telnet (rest of options)


telnet localhost 4212 (username = admin)

and enter the commands.

If you want to start everything from the command line, you should add all the options in wide form, as it was mentioned in an earlier post.

Anyway, TS discontinuity errors are not so bad. Usually there are caused by reception errors, but the stream will be processed correctly.

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