IR Remote, Play / Pause acts as if being double pressed.

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 10
Joined: 15 Feb 2014 20:15
VLC version: 2.2.0 WeatherWax
Operating System: Vista 32

IR Remote, Play / Pause acts as if being double pressed.

Postby Props » 15 Feb 2014 20:39

Hello, long time user, first time poster. Sorry for the long post.

To start, I'm running the current version of VLC (2.1.3) on Windows Vista. I have a Logitech Harmony 510, setup to act like a Dell R6 Remote. In order to create a universal remote, assigning the normal function of the remote to specified keys (for instance, the play button now works as the space bar), I'm using Intelliremote.

Only recently have I tried to configure the remote and various programs that work with it, to all use the same universal keys, such as the arrow keys for fast forward & rewind, as well as the space bar for play/pause. I've done this, mainly as a result of Hulu. Well, before this latest VLC update (which I'm unsure if it's the problem), I only had the remote working partially with each program.

After working at it for a couple of hours, I found that some remote buttons worked in VLC and some did not. I also found that practically every Dell R6 remote responded to intelliremote (as a functional, assignable button). That being said, I narrowed down my list of compatible buttons to just a few, that will work with hulu & VLC.

The only thing I can't figure out, is why, for the life of me, does the Play/Pause button act as if it's being quickly double pressed in VLC.
Ever other button sends a signal once per press. The time counter in VLC jumps ahead by 5 seconds (as set), when pressing fast forward once. That being said, now that I think about it, the Play/Pause button is assigned as the space bar....which is done through intelliremote....the only button that's functionality is altered.

Again, why is the Play/Pause acting as if I'm double pressing? On occasion, If I'm quick enough, I can get it to pause. If I pause VLC using a mouse or keyboard, I can always unpause with the remote...

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 10
Joined: 15 Feb 2014 20:15
VLC version: 2.2.0 WeatherWax
Operating System: Vista 32

Re: IR Remote, Play / Pause acts as if being double pressed.

Postby Props » 20 Feb 2014 03:58

Anyone have an idea? Why does the one button I've assigned as the space bar using Intelliremote act as if it's being double pressed?

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