There are lots of posts on here about auto-rotating movies based on the orientation flag.
A suggestion that keeps coming up is that a filter could be set for these videos when they have the orientation flag, and for the filter to be removed again after playing is complete.
Given that there are an awful lot of these mov files these days, from an end-user's point of view this seems like a reasonable compromise with a seemingly small amount of effort.
The answer so far has always been that "it is more complicated than that", and that "no other play supports this" (apart from QuickTime).
Would it be possible to document here these two answers here in more detail?
* What is special about QuickTime that it is able to do the rotation so easily (judging by cpu usage it's doing some special)
* What is this complication in flipping a rotation filter on and off?
Thanks a lot to the developers in advance.