File reading failed

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 30
Joined: 05 Nov 2009 20:41

File reading failed

Postby weybrew » 02 Oct 2013 15:04

I am trying to play an .avi file but get this msg. "File reading failed:VLC could not read the file (Bad file descriptor)." The file is in a folder with an accompanying .srt file... I am a non-techie so I don't have a clue what that is. Is this some setting problem I need to change or is this just a bad file? I've read a similar posting but see that there was not a solution. Windows7 + VLC 2.0.8

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 30
Joined: 05 Nov 2009 20:41

Re: File reading failed

Postby weybrew » 02 Oct 2013 16:29

My problem has resolved itself with a reboot. Not sure what was wrong, but it was system based, not VLC. Sorry for the post.

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