Problems with reading MPEG4 bitsteams from SONY IP camera

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Problems with reading MPEG4 bitsteams from SONY IP camera

Postby Alexa » 15 Sep 2005 18:27


I'm working in a Lab doing object tracking in Video Sequences. We would like to read and process sequentially some or all of the frames in mpeg4 (or mjpeg) in a frame by frame manner. We are working with SONY SNC P1 IP camera that sends MPEG4 bitstream. Unfortunately we have met a lot of problems with reading the motion video data from the camera.
We get MPEG4 stream by using HTTP protocol and via sending GET request such like this: "GET <IP>/mpeg4...". As a result we receive MPEG4 raw data, but we cannot read and play the file. We are trying to read and play it with VLC, but without result.

Do you have any ideas, how to solve the problem?

Blank Cone
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Postby bradcarter » 16 Sep 2005 05:57

I got Sony to send me a demo of their SNC-25RZ25N MPEG 4 camera and ran into the same thing. I access the stream but then the message window of VLC said it was waiting for sequence to start or something like that. Here was my post. viewtopic.php?t=12135 I could get the MJPEG stream from it and transcode with VLC but then there was more noise in the picture.

I ended up with Axis for my MPEG 4 cameras. Axis has very good documentation and they even send me beta firmware to get unicast working on a PTZ213 camera.

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 16 Sep 2005 17:22

If sony sends raw mpeg4 over HTTP, the VLC will not know how to process it by default. Specific support in VLC is required to make it work, just as was done for MP3 audio, AAC audio and other types of raw streaming.

Should be fairly simply to develop in theory. But it's a really bad way of transmitting your video.
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