AC3 5.1 decoding in VLC 2.1.0

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Blank Cone
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AC3 5.1 decoding in VLC 2.1.0

Postby tranle » 08 Jun 2013 04:23

The audio AC3 5.1 in mkv decoding in VLC 2.1.0 (nightly) seem to be broken.
The sound seems to fade in and out from the different speakers.
Is it a known problem ?

The same file sound fine when using vlc 2.0.7


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Re: AC3 5.1 decoding in VLC 2.1.0

Postby Lotesdelere » 09 Jun 2013 08:02

What is the last VLC 2.1.0 nightly build version which is working fine ?

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: AC3 5.1 decoding in VLC 2.1.0

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 09 Jun 2013 15:47

And what audio output are you using?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Blank Cone
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Re: AC3 5.1 decoding in VLC 2.1.0

Postby tranle » 10 Jun 2013 09:05

What is the last VLC 2.1.0 nightly build version which is working fine ?
I do not recall which one, I will have to try them all. but it seem to fail decoding for all AC-3 recording not just inside .mkv, I have just tried with .tp (transport stream) recording from a tv show and the sound also fade in and out.

Blank Cone
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Re: AC3 5.1 decoding in VLC 2.1.0

Postby tranle » 10 Jun 2013 09:10

And what audio output are you using?
I am using the 'default' output which is mapped to my onboard sound (realtek) of my motherboard.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: AC3 5.1 decoding in VLC 2.1.0

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 Jun 2013 12:24

Can you try to use the Waveout one, please?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Blank Cone
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Re: AC3 5.1 decoding in VLC 2.1.0

Postby tranle » 11 Jun 2013 08:44

Using the 'Waveout' output works.

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Re: AC3 5.1 decoding in VLC 2.1.0

Postby JakeNewman » 17 Jun 2013 19:04

I have this problem too. On every DVD I try. I've tried setting to WaveOut and it still happens.


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