Any chance AMD E2-2000 will play high bitrate HD in VLC?

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Any chance AMD E2-2000 will play high bitrate HD in VLC?

Postby z3b2 » 08 Jun 2013 09:22

Mum needs a new pc, and will probably end up with a cheap laptop with a slow APU.
E2-2000 is (the fastest?) Brazos 2.0, released half a year ago or so, and in lots of cheap laptops now.
Its like a E-450 but slightly slightly faster.
Two cores @1.75GHz, and HD7340 GPU/APU.

Some say these, even the slooower old E-350, plays 1080p fine.
Others say they dont, not at all.
Probably depends on player, and system, on bitrate, and how fastidious you are (never ever used/heard that word before, is it correct to use like this? :oops: )

So, anyone in here can confirm E2-2000 (or the slower: E2-1800, E-450, E-350) plays everything fine in VLC?
Will need to play really high bitrate 720p, old videos converted to pc and we get them encoded with like 19Mbps !!!

Many thanks :)

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Re: Any chance AMD E2-2000 will play high bitrate HD in VLC?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 09 Jun 2013 15:07

Hmm, I would guess yes, using the GPU decoding. But, it is possible that it doesn't because of the lack of direct rendering in VLC...
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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Any chance AMD E2-2000 will play high bitrate HD in VLC?

Postby z3b2 » 18 Jun 2013 12:57

Thanks a lot for answering.
Anyway, I did find a i3-2350M laptop for the same very very low price, so she will buy that one instead and wont have to worry about performance for web/office/vlc :)

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