Focus problem

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Focus problem

Postby Epok__ » 03 Apr 2013 18:54

VLC don't get focus on video launch :

When I reach the end of a video, I don't close VLC and click on an explorer Windows which takes the focus, hiding VLC window. And when I launch a new video, VLC stays behind explorer.

It's not a big issue, but I would like to know if someone else is experiencing the same problem.

I'm running Windows 7 64 bits.


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Re: Focus problem

Postby bobn42855 » 22 May 2013 09:56

Hi. I keep checking back here to see if anything's going on with this issue. I like VLC better than any other player I've tried but having to click the program on the taskbar every time I launch a video to give it focus has become increasingly annoying. I made it back to 2010 searching focus issues before I got too blurry-eyed and quit. I thought I saw a post when I was searching this issue before where VLC was arguing that some people may prefer for the program not to not take focus when a new file is passed it. Well, here's the deal ... I don't have a problem with the program not taking focus when an audio file is launched - I don't intend to watch the time slider move - but how often would one launch a video file and not want it to take focus. As far as I'm concerned, video files should always take focus and they can do whatever they like regarding the focus when audio files are launched. (Of course, I don't use VLC for audio files for the very fact that they don't revert the player to a more minimal size for audio files.) But, if they believe the focus issue is a matter of personal choice ... then let's be given the choice - let's have the options in preferences. And, if I were using VLC for both video and audio files, I would want the focus option for each. In my case, I would always want launched video files to take focus. But, when it comes to audio files, if I'm editing and/or organizing, I would want focus upon launching so that I could use the time slider to check things out. But, when I was just listening to music I would prefer there not be focus upon launch. Yes ... I think I'm really talking myself into these options being needed. :) Then, if I could just get them to revert to a minimal interface when audio files are played ...

And, by the way, without going into the (should be) obvious reasons, "Always on top" is not the answer to this issue as, I believe, I have also seen suggested in other related threads.

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Re: Focus problem

Postby videofan102413 » 24 Oct 2013 23:24

I found posts dated back to 2006 and this issue has still not been fixed, even in the newest version of VLC, 2.1.0. Unbelieveable!!

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Re: Focus problem

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 20 May 2014 14:47

It will be fixed in 2.2.0
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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