VLC Media Player 2.0.5 prevents the screen power savings!!!

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Blank Cone
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VLC Media Player 2.0.5 prevents the screen power savings!!!

Postby MichaelIsGreat » 08 Feb 2013 14:29

---First point and it is the main reason why I write these comments.
This problem concerning the blocking of the power savings on a notebook has been on and off these past versions and it is really extremely annoying to see it appear again in the latest versions of the VLC Media Player, in particular in the latest 2.0.5 version of the VLC Media Player!!! How could such a problem be solved and then let appeared again in a later version is beyond my understanding?!!!
Basically, on a notebook under Windows 7 (I have Ultimate), the screen power savings does not work when the VLC Media Player is left opened that is VLC Media Player prevents the screen on a notebook from being powered down after a predetermined amount of time if you happen to have left opened your VLC Media Player!!! Not good at all!

---Second point that I would like to mention while I am at it is the following.
Although I am indifferent for a Windows 8 version of VLC but I am very positive for a Windows Phone 8 version of the VLC Media Player, I just hope that it will not diminish the amount of work that still needs to be done on the current latest versions of the VLC Media Player for Windows 7. I certainly have no intentions of moving to Windows 8 even though I am interested to see how better Windows 9 will be in say three years from now when it will appear.
There is this big issue that you have never really solved concerning creating playlists in the VLC Media Player. It is so easy to do in iTunes but it simply did not work when I tried creating a playlist with the VLC Media Player. I might do it the wrong way but it surely should be much easier to do if I happen to do it the wrong way and I am not even sure of that I do it the wrong way.
For instance, when I go in the folder that I have called Music that contains various folders containing various music files, when I right-click on a folder and I select "Add to VLC Media Player's Playlist", any rational and logical user assumes that, in such a case, this particular folder will automatically be added under the section Playlist when I press on the button "Show Playlist" but in fact it does NOT do that simple task this way!!!!! That is one of many reasons why I believe there is something really very wrong with the way you create Playlists with the VLC Media Player!!! In any case, it should be very straightforward to do (copy the way it is done in iTunes!)

---Third point.
Any good media player should be able to restart a file (video or music file) exactly at the point where it was last used. When are you going to implement this so simple and basic feature in the VLC Media Player that is nevertheless INDISPENSABLE AND THAT SHOULD BE A PRIORITY for the VLC Media Player?!!!
Why has it not been done long ago?

---Fourth point.
I still believe that you should find a way to unite with other similar products that use many components used in the VLC Media Player instead of having so many copycats of the VLC Media Player!! Maybe trying to discuss with the developers of these other copycat VLC Media Players might help!

Remember, Windows 8 is now around but many users of Windows 7 will never move to Windows 8, not even in the near future! Windows 8 is useful for tablets that have touch support and that is all that it is useful for; those with a normal notebook without touch screen capability surely will not bother upgrading to Windows 8!

To conclude, despite a few problems that I have with the VLC Media Player, I nevertheless thank you a lot for providing it to users all over the world. Keep improving it as much as possible for Windows 7 users.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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I am wrong concerning the screen power savings.

Postby MichaelIsGreat » 10 Feb 2013 20:06

Update: I think I am wrong concerning the first point, as I tested again my notebook and the screen disabled normally after a certain time even when a VLC window was still opened.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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I am RIGHT concerning the screen power savings.

Postby MichaelIsGreat » 12 Feb 2013 11:11

I have again to contradict myself! I am RIGHT concerning the screen power savings as explained in my first point!

I redid a test and I confirm (contrary to what I have said above in a second post "I am wrong concerning the screen power savings.") that unfortunately my first point is fully correct that is:
Basically, on a notebook under Windows 7 (I have Ultimate), the screen power savings does not work when the VLC Media Player is left opened that is VLC Media Player prevents the screen on a notebook from being powered down after a predetermined amount of time if you happen to have left opened your VLC Media Player!!! Not good at all!

Please, solve this issue as well as the other issues that I have clearly stated. Thanks.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: VLC Media Player 2.0.5 prevents the screen power savings

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 12 Feb 2013 19:11

You are using the second person of imperative mode. Unfortunately, VLC development does not work that way.

If you want something fixed, please provide a patch, pay a contractor to do it, or wait however long. The few existing hobbyists developers don't have the time or motivation to look at fix every bug reported on the forum.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Blank Cone
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Re: VLC Media Player 2.0.5 prevents the screen power savings

Postby MichaelIsGreat » 12 Feb 2013 23:49

Remi you say: "If you want something fixed, please provide a patch, pay a contractor to do it, or wait however long."!!!!!
Extremely strange remark that you give me, Remi!!! And where am I supposed to inform you of bugs found? Or of suggested improvements?!! And I thought you were committed to improving the VLC Media Player?! Apparently not?!!!
Coming from you Remi was the last person I thought I would get me such a strange and UNWELCOME remark!!
And I remind you what I have said: "Please, solve this issue as well as the other issues that I have clearly stated. Thanks." I could not have been nicer than that!!!
Conclusion: your remark is not only very unwelcome and completely inappropriate, it is not justified at all!! You must learn to avoid over-perceiving what is not there at all!!!

That there are people like me who cares enough about the VLC Media Player to take the time to post comments on your forums, you should be more than grateful that such people do exist!!!

Instead of your very unwelcome remark, you Remi should welcome my remarks that have for only goal to help you improve the VLC Media Player!!!! That you see them as commands to do this or that is ridiculous!!
That I might sound exasperated to see the feature of the third point not implemented for many years so far is certainly very normal and logical, no matter the fact that you do not seem to like that.

And yes, even if it might upset you for no good reasons, the third point being a very basic feature of any good media player, it should have been implemented long ago, years ago, or at least it should have been on the top of the features to add long ago. That it has not been the case for this third point is kind of very strange.

I clarify further my findings for the first point.
---Apparently, when a VLC Media player window is opened but the video file is fully at the end, in such a case, the power savings feature on a notebook seems to work.
---However, when a VLC Media player window is opened but the video file is NOT fully at the end, in such a case, the power savings feature on a notebook does NOT seem to work.

Keep improving the VLC Media Player, it is not an order, it is basic common sense!!! LOL!!!

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Re: VLC Media Player 2.0.5 prevents the screen power savings

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 13 Feb 2013 17:17

And where am I supposed to inform you of bugs found? Or of suggested improvements?!!
We have a bugtracker.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
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Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: VLC Media Player 2.0.5 prevents the screen power savings

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 13 Feb 2013 18:20

I am not upset. I am merely pointing out that this neither the right venue, nor the right way to resolve VLC bugs.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Blank Cone
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Re: VLC Media Player 2.0.5 prevents the screen power savings

Postby MichaelIsGreat » 14 Feb 2013 20:40

If your bugtracker was so easy to use and to deal with and so quick and simple to use, I would have used it long ago!!!!!!

Apparently, when I started posted comments on your forums years ago, I surely checked this bugtracker and I assume that seeing how much hassles I had to go through to deal with it, I instead decided to put my bugs and improvements directly on your forums instead of getting headaches with your "so wonderful" bugtracker!!!! With the idea that you will be willing to transmit these bugs and improvements to the appropriate people!

Are you even doing that, that is are you even transmitting the bugs and improvements stated on your forums to the appropriate people?! Please, answer this question.
For instance, is the third point clearly listed on your list of urgent improvements for the VLC Media Player?! This missing very basic and vital feature for any media player has been missing for many years, from the very first usable version of the VLC Media Player!

One thing is sure, if this third point is not on your list of requested improvements to implement as soon as possible, you know that there is a serious problem with the way you use the information that people like me took their own time to send you on your forums because it is unfortunately NOT the first time that I mentioned, stated this third point on your forums. Let this remark be an occasion to review the way you take advantage of the information that is transmitted on your forums by people like me and many others.

You seem to have the answers to many things but the reality is that, more often than not, there are very good reasons why me and others act the way we do in various cases!!!

To conclude, instead of attacking me as Remi did and for completely unfounded and unwelcome reasons, you should welcome people like me on your forums!!

Again, there are very good reasons why I post my bugs and improvements on your forums and not through your painful "bugtracker", at least that is the feeling that I still have today of what your bugtracker is from years ago. Your bugtracker might be simpler to use today, I do not know at all and be sure that I do not want to know either; one bad experience is enough on this matter even if it is from years ago!!

When I send you some valuable feedback on your forums, I am surely not the enemy unless you see people participating on your forums as unwelcome pesters, as Remi's complete misunderstanding of my posting showed me so well!

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: VLC Media Player 2.0.5 prevents the screen power savings

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 14 Feb 2013 22:01

1/ Posting feature requests or bug reports on the forum will not magically get the useful data where it belongs, on the bug tracker. If you cannot even be bothered to learn to use the bug tracker and fill in the relevant data, you cannot expect other people to do it for you.

2/ Making bug reports and feature requests does not magically spawn development work force.

I will leave it at that. You don't seem to grasp the concept of open-source and volunteering. That's not my problem.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Blank Cone
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Remi, your behavior is appalling and shameful!!

Postby MichaelIsGreat » 21 Feb 2013 03:16

Remi, you are true to the first very bad experience that I got with you with your rude and very unhelpful comments!!!

Basically, you are telling me that you do not take advantage of the valuable information provided to you for free on your forums by people who post on it and that you do NOT even transmit it to the appropriate people?!!! Quite shocking to say the truth!! But I am sure, it is not shocking at all to you!! LOL!!

Thank you to inform me of your shameful behavior because it will save me a lot of time in the future, as it will be my last post ever on your forums!!

More, when I gave you the reasons why I do not use the bugtracker, the only response that you have is to say "too bad you do not use it", not understanding that there is already something very wrong with this bugtracker for many reasons!!

I knew the mentality of open source was very often not great at all, but to see the level of carelessness (the we-don't-care attitude!) that you have you Remi confirms it even further!!

My last post ever on any forum of VLC. I got your shameful message. You don't care what valuable information well-meaning people give you freely on your forums, worse you do not even take advantage of this information and throw them into the dustbin I could say!! Very enlightening behavior from an enlightened person, you Remi!! LOL!! Enlightened on the dark side I could say!!

NEVER EVER see you or hear about you ever again on any of your useless (you told me) forums, that you can be sure!!

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Re: Remi, your behavior is appalling and shameful!!

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 26 Feb 2013 05:42

More, when I gave you the reasons why I do not use the bugtracker
There are no good reasons to not use the bugtracker.

People are working on this software as volunteers, they are not at your service, especially if you are rude like you are.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
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Re: VLC Media Player 2.0.5 prevents the screen power savings

Postby cgzhou@womble.com » 16 Oct 2013 01:24

Hi, Everyone!
I'm also interested in the solution (or the status) of VLC's ability to start play at the position of the playlist at its last exit, the same question as the "Third point" raised by MichaelIsGreat.
Could any one shed some light?

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