Sound & freezing problem on Windows 7

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Sound & freezing problem on Windows 7

Postby fastfinger » 30 Dec 2012 16:27


I search through the board and saw many messages relating to sound chipping problems and freezing but nothing seems to match mine.

I have a new PC for 2 months with Windows 7 Home Edition 64bit, my graphic card is a Sapphire AMD HD7850 and the sound is provided by the motherboard Realtek chips. The motherboard is a Gigabyte X79-UD3.

I have updated all my drivers to the most current version but to no avail.

With the current version of VLC, in a lot of the videos I am playing, the video will start, the sound will be 'horrible" with lots of cracks and chipping and the picture will stop and go.... then VLC will freeze and the only way out is to kill the program.

I have tried playing with the Video Option (OpenGL and Direct X) and with the Sound (Win32 Wave Out and Direct X) but with mixed results, the programs still retains most of the problems.

In desesperation, I reverted back to the version 1.1.9 of the program with the Audio and Video set to default and the program plays all my files perfectly so it has to do with some incompatibility with the current version.

Hoping this will help out sort out the problem cause I love this program....


Alain Tessier

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VLC version: 2.04
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Re: Sound & freezing problem on Windows 7

Postby amethyst_igor » 01 Jan 2013 08:54


I search through the board and saw many messages relating to sound chipping problems and freezing but nothing seems to match mine.

I have a new PC for 2 months with Windows 7 Home Edition 64bit, my graphic card is a Sapphire AMD HD7850 and the sound is provided by the motherboard Realtek chips. The motherboard is a Gigabyte X79-UD3.

I have updated all my drivers to the most current version but to no avail.

With the current version of VLC, in a lot of the videos I am playing, the video will start, the sound will be 'horrible" with lots of cracks and chipping and the picture will stop and go.... then VLC will freeze and the only way out is to kill the program.

I have tried playing with the Video Option (OpenGL and Direct X) and with the Sound (Win32 Wave Out and Direct X) but with mixed results, the programs still retains most of the problems.

In desesperation, I reverted back to the version 1.1.9 of the program with the Audio and Video set to default and the program plays all my files perfectly so it has to do with some incompatibility with the current version.

Hoping this will help out sort out the problem cause I love this program....


Alain Tessier
I still use Windows for my answering machine, and it runs an ATI gpu like yours, only a lesser version. In Simple Video settings, accept all defaults, except in the Display category, check everything except "Always on Top." If this does not fix it, then there is something else to consider. You did not say which version of Catalyst you are running, yet that could be crucial. Catalyst is a bit of a kludge that requires many hours of tweaking to get right. Have you invested the necessary time in your ATI video driver? It took me many hours to set it up. Set aside a weekend to nursemaid your video driver. You may need to upgrade it from the AMD/ATI site. And there are often problems with the install. You may need to uninstall, then install a couple of times before the install takes. That is why I do not buy AMD/ATI hardware any longer, but only Intel, because Intel just works right away, without the lost time. Also, Intel tends to play well with Linux, whereas AMD/ATI has additional problems for Linux. So, AMD/ATI systems have a "hidden cost" embedded in them.
My desktop runs 64-bit Linux Mint Maya Xfce, my htpc runs Linux Mint Nadia Xfce, my answering machine runs Windows 7, and my laptop runs 64-bit Linux Mint Maya Mate.

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Re: Sound & freezing problem on Windows 7

Postby fastfinger » 01 Jan 2013 16:18

I downloaded and installed the latest available Catalyst driver (ver 12.10) for the card which was "certified" no beta. However, I did not play with the card settings since I am no expert in this aspect.

I will try to look into the settings, any suggestions on which one might cause the problem?

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