Seperate audio/video streams

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Seperate audio/video streams

Postby mmebane » 17 Feb 2005 02:48

Is it possible for VLC to read seperate audio and video streams and mux them together? I'm building a security application, and I have a security camera that sends the audio and video seperately. I need to be able to pull those together and mux/transcode while playing the stream. VLC seems to have most of the features I need (it's actually quite impressive), but I can't figure out how to use sperate audio/video streams. Is this possible?


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Postby dionoea » 17 Feb 2005 11:06

This is only possible using command line :
vlc <firstinput> --input-slave <secondinput>

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby mmebane » 17 Feb 2005 19:03

Hmm... I tried:

vlc --input-slave

VLC still tells me it can't guess the format of the audio stream, and I get a bunch of "demux doesn't like DEMUX_GET_TIME" errors until I stop playback.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby mmebane » 17 Feb 2005 19:47

OK, I see that this option only works for timestamped audio files. Darn.

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Postby dionoea » 17 Feb 2005 20:03

maybe you can do something complicated like getting the audio input with one VLC, muxing it to another format. And the use another VLC to mux the audio and video together (or the same VLC with vlm).

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby mmebane » 17 Feb 2005 21:20

Well, I've thought of that, and right now it looks like the best solution, but I can't get VLC to recognize the format of my audio stream, at all.

The docs say you can force it, but I haven't been able to find out how that works.

The data is raw PCM, signed 16-bit, little-endian, mono, 8000 Hz.
In mplayer, I can use the following options and it plays fine:

-rawaudio on:channels=1:rate=8000:format=0x1

Is there an equivalent with VLC?

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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may be helpful..

Postby frases » 03 Apr 2005 20:57

Hey mmebane,
This solution prolly won't apply to you, but it's one way of getting a different audio stream to go along with the video. My application is that I have my DV cam setup as a simple webcam via Firewire, but I wanted different audio to be played along with the video, instead of no audio or just room noise. The audio comes from my Winamp MP3 playlist on the computer. I simply took a line out from my PC and plugged it into the MIC jack on my cam. Voila! Separate audio/video streams. You could check it out at mms://

My puny comcast upload will probably break if more than three people watch the video at the same time..


Re: may be helpful..

Postby kirkcc » 24 Aug 2005 11:09

I have the same problem , can you provide me your MRL ?


Hey mmebane,
This solution prolly won't apply to you, but it's one way of getting a different audio stream to go along with the video. My application is that I have my DV cam setup as a simple webcam via Firewire, but I wanted different audio to be played along with the video, instead of no audio or just room noise. The audio comes from my Winamp MP3 playlist on the computer. I simply took a line out from my PC and plugged it into the MIC jack on my cam. Voila! Separate audio/video streams. You could check it out at mms://

My puny comcast upload will probably break if more than three people watch the video at the same time..

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