libcaca in Windows XP

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libcaca in Windows XP

Postby default user » 31 Jan 2004 03:22

I have always been a huge fan of ascii/ANSI art ever since the BBS days.
It seemed that while ascii lived on, ANSI had been forgotten.
So you can imagine my delight when I learned of libcaca.
It reminds me of the ANSI days.
Unfortunately, I am not a programmer or linux-er, so I do not forsee myself being able to play frozen bubble in ascii as the libcaca page shows.
But luckily, I was able to find the CVS binary Windows build and I can watch DIVX movies in ANSI so I am very happy about this.
However, the resolution setting seems to have no effect on the libcaca.
So I am just wondering if there is a way in Windows to cause VLC to open a movie in a hi-res text window. I was thinking 80x50 would be nice. This would be more like AVATAR than ANSI, but very cool I think. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.

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Postby exorzist » 03 Feb 2004 10:25

does nobody no an answer?
i also want to use the libcaca in WinXP.


The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 03 Feb 2004 15:57

When sombody knows, he will answer..
How would you normally get a larger cmd prompt with more letters in it?

I never use windows, so i'm not very suited to answer this question.
Don't use PMs for support questions.

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hi-res command prompt

Postby default » 04 Feb 2004 09:44

It seems that on my computer when I maximize the command prompt window it is 80x50... yet when I maximize the libcaca VLC window it is 80x25... so the command prompt is not the solution.

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Postby Gibalou » 04 Feb 2004 20:03

It is currently not possible to set an ascii display size (the size is hard-coded in the source code ;)
But I'll look into this as soon as I'll have some spare time to improve the win32 version of libcaca.

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thank you

Postby default » 05 Feb 2004 04:14

I am glad that I have an answer now, even if it is not the one I would like. Who knows? Perhaps I shall someday learn Linux. I have tried tho, and ultimately it seems nightmare-ish to configure... oh well, I should not sound ungrateful, as I am quite happy about the coloured ascii as is... it breathes new life into every movie. very good stuff.

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