Monitor aspect ratio option

Feature requests for VLC.
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Monitor aspect ratio option

Postby ksvenheim » 27 Jul 2005 20:18

I would like to see a feature similar/identical to mplayer's monitoraspect setting and winamp's "My screen as an aspect ratio of x:y" setting in VLC.

My setup is that I have a computer with a standard 4:3 monitor, but I output video to my widescreen TV set through an s-video cable. Since I can only run in 4:3 resolutions (TV runs in maximum 1024x768), video does not look right on my TV when it is in it's native 16:9 mode, because the video is formatted like its being displayed on a 4:3 screen.

To currently get VLC to display videos with an aspect ratio of 16:9 correctly on my TV in fullscreen, I have to set the "source aspect ratio" setting in VLC to 4:3. However, when I then play a video that is not exactly 16:9, say 2.35:1 or 4:3 or 1.66:1 or whatever, it looks wrong.

A monitor aspect ratio setting would get the video to display correctly regardsless of what the video's source aspect ratio is, as long as that one is set correctly, of course.

Basically, it would just instruct the player that "even tho this monitor is running at a 4:3 resolution, the monitor's screen is in a different format, (meaning the pixels arent square), and the image should be stretched or squeezed accordingly to be presented correctly on the monitor.

mplayer and winamp, like mentioned, does this perfectly, when I have set the monitor's aspect ratio to 16:9, 16:9 videos are displayed full-screen, and 4:3 videos are boxed correctly with black bars on both sides of the image. Of course, they dont look right on my main computer monitor, but thats not where I am watching the video anyway. :)

I dont think it should be extremely hard to implement, and it would be a very cool feature to have, constantly having to change the aspect ratio manually is what keeps me from using VLC as my main video player.


PLayer that resize

Postby Unregistered » 01 Aug 2005 19:20

i havent found any player that does that trick?
I have the exaktly same problem runing on 1280x768 but the monitors panel is 1366x768 (HD TV 16:9)
so i almost have the right aspect ratio but not exaktly

I however like the crop feature in VLC thoug it has some major buggs

I also would lke to se a feture that can adapt an 4:3 recording to 16:9 that means stretch it some and crop a litle on top and bottom


Re: PLayer that resize

Postby Guest » 02 Aug 2005 23:05

i havent found any player that does that trick?
I have the exaktly same problem runing on 1280x768 but the monitors panel is 1366x768 (HD TV 16:9)
so i almost have the right aspect ratio but not exaktly

I however like the crop feature in VLC thoug it has some major buggs

I also would lke to se a feture that can adapt an 4:3 recording to 16:9 that means stretch it some and crop a litle on top and bottom
ok Il take that about the crop feature back its completly usless...
it shift throug all different kinds och crop modes and than desides one and plays for about 10 secs that it shifts throug anoter kind of settings and sticks with anoter kind of crop mode.

some kind of manual crop would be better.

is there any other way to crop a movie in VLC?

many movies are recorded in 4:3 with black on the top and bottom with a 16:9 "image" and my monitor is 16:9 so I end up with a smal picture in the middle when running fullscreen...

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Postby The DJ » 03 Aug 2005 12:01

The don't enable autocrop, but use the manual crop :D
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Postby dionoea » 11 Aug 2005 22:43

a new --monitor-aspect-ratio option has been added and should be available in tomorrow's nightly builds.

[edit: now called monitor-aspect-ratio instead of screen-aspect-ratio]
Last edited by dionoea on 11 Aug 2005 23:39, edited 1 time in total.
Antoine Cellerier
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Postby ksvenheim » 11 Aug 2005 23:15

Thanks so very very much, dionoea, I think I am currently the happiest VLC user in the world :)

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