Delphi build NPAPI VLC plugin question

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Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Delphi build NPAPI VLC plugin question

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 04 Jan 2012 02:17

What npapi vlc do you use?
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Re: Delphi build NPAPI VLC plugin question

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 04 Jan 2012 19:15

I use the normal NPAPI plugin and it works fine...
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Re: Delphi build NPAPI VLC plugin question

Postby earthsound » 30 Jan 2012 20:22

Hey Jean-Baptiste,

That's good for you, but adds nothing to my request for any advice...on this particular matter...

I sincerely/naively thought this was the place to be with these kind of questions about "exotic developing endeavours"...but maybe I'm wrong ;-)

Well, maybe you or anyone can test the plug and at least say "it sucks" or "quiet nice but...." that is the basic question that needs to be answered and that will help my particular situation..

The official npvlc.dll never worked properly in my environment so I took a different turn at the crossroads of decisionmaking and yet still shed some hope anyone can give me some decent lowlevel (VLC-API/Delphi) advice....about my clone...

grtz Peter
I'm running Windows XP SP3 32-bit. I grabbed v1.1.11.8 and dropped NPVLC.dll into my firefox\plugins directory.

I fired up chromium 18.0.1024.0 build 119674, disabled my QuickTime plugin and visited

I see SALLAN-STIJL! at the top, followed by 3 drop-down menus: [NPAPI] Version Info, [NPAPI] Startup Parameters, and [VLC] Options.

Next, I see a text field beginning with [VLC] Monitor...

Next is a black rectangle, where the video should be playing.

The last line has a drop-down menu showing To the right are Play, Pause, & Stop buttons and a Mute checkbox.

If I click "Play", I get a "chrome" error dialog window:

"Access violation at address 04A2CADB in module 'NPVLC.dll'. Read of address 00000034."

In firefox 9.0.1 it works perfectly....until the video reaches the end, where the plugin crashes. I get a plugin-container.exe "Appliation Error" windows that says: The exception unknown software exception (0x0eedfade) occurred in the appliation at location 0x7c812afb.

Clicking OK to that dialog leaves me with a grey page with a little sad-face lego block-like character and the words "The NPRuntime VLC plugin has crashed. Send crash report." "Send crash report" is clickable.

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Re: Delphi build NPAPI VLC plugin question

Postby earthsound » 30 Jan 2012 21:04

Aside from no GUI controls unless in full screen mode (double click on the video), the default NPAPI plugin mostly works for me in firefox & chromium.

Using the mp4 example above, I can watch the video, but I cannot scrub to different parts of the video once the video has ended.

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