Quick question about zoom

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Quick question about zoom

Postby theeo123 » 05 Jul 2005 08:15

I was wondering if the was a way (other than comand line)
to have the player default to a 2:1 zoom?

I know this is probably a dumb question
but I really did try to search the Wiki, the FAQ & the forums first

searching jsut for "zoom" pulls up a LOT of topics, but none talking about what i wanted really.

90% of the time I get movie clips off websites & such they are very low Resolutions (like 320x240 etc.)
I use a 1280x1024 screen res, most stuff looks pretty small unless I zoom, and as a sheer and complete tribute to lazyness I want to have it automaticly start at a 200% zoom

yes I am lazy
I admit it

if there is no way to do this, it's not like I'll bitch about it, I just figured it was worth asking :)

thanks in advance for any help :)

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Postby theeo123 » 06 Jul 2005 17:59

Either it's impossible to set a default zoom on VLC, or I'm eing ignored.

personally I hope I've jsut been overlooked, as the alternative would kind of suck. it's a fairly basic feature that every media player I've ever used seems to have.

I searched the forums, the FAQ & the Wiki again , sill havn't turned up any usefull results
If I missed it, please, a link, or at least a point in the right direction would be great.

I know how to set the video to a 2:1 zoom, i wantt it to deault to that state on startup though. preferably without having to send command line switches. Because command line switches dont do my any good when I'm just double clicking a file, or streaming it directly from a website etc.

New Cone
New Cone
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Postby touche » 07 Jan 2006 16:50

- Change the value 1.0 to 2.0 in
Settings->Preferences->Video->Zoom video
Make user you check Advanced settings to see it.
- Save config

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New Cone
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Postby theeo123 » 07 Jan 2006 18:11

there's the thing, this isn't a default zoom in the traditional sence, if I do that, it doubles the video size, but it is still set at a 1:1 zoom , I could then use the "zoom" menue to double it again. I'm not sure what the difference between Zoom & this settign is, but apperently there is one, or threy don't synch properly.

I am glad someoen finally replied though :)

if this is the same exact feature, perhap[s they should synch so that wwhen I have it set to 2.0 my "zoom" menue will show that I'm in 2:1 isntead of 1:1 ? if there is some difference between the two settigns what is it ?

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Postby Buggie » 07 Jan 2006 18:12

No difference, just an apparent glitch in the interface.

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