Postby raphiusks » 20 Oct 2011 22:18
hey there..
i'm having exactly the same problem, which i didn't have a couple of weeks ago, but not only with .avi, and not all .avi is messed up: i'm having also with DvD discs, some mkv, and some .iso movie files. I could watch and listen to a specific movie without any issues, but now some of them present this behaviour: low speech but normal music/effects/ambience sounds..
i tried many things, including messing with pulse and alsa (which i don't recommend unless you're pretty confident as what you're doing), but didnt solve it.
What i did notice was: on Pavucontrol (Pulse Audio Volume Control), whenever i open a file and it's sound is alright, i see 2 stream channels for vlc (which should be correct for my setup of just 2 speakers). Now, whenever i open a file that has its sounds messed up (although same file played flawlessly couple of weeks ago), i see at least 4 stream channels, in some cases even 6 channels (like: front-right, front-left, rear-right, ...).
So i tried to find where to force it to use only 2 channels always... i eventually saw this option on Vlc advanced audio tab, to turn off dolby surround , but that didnt work. I guess this is somehow related to this channels thingy, which i'm not sure are related to vlc update (which for my distro occurred 2 or 3 weeks ago -- using Gentoo with Gnome) or what else. I'm right now downgrading vlc to 1.1.11 to see if this keeps happening. Also trying to find a way to force 2 stream audio channels only. Changing my internal audio profile, to any of them, either keeps on happening or i get no sound/terrible sound. Since i never changed it, it always worked fine and it still configured as always was, i'm guessing this is not it.
my info:
Using pulseaudio 1.0-r2
alsa 1.0.24 as auto fallback
Linux insane #23 ZEN SMP PREEMPT Thu Oct 13 13:48:16 BRT 2011 x86_64
media-video/vlc-1.1.12 (compiled use flags: X a52 aac alsa cdda dbus dts dvd elibc_glibc fbcon ffmpeg flac gcrypt gnome gnutls libnotify mmx mp3 mpeg mtp ncurses ogg opengl png pulseaudio qt4 samba sdl sqlite sse svg truetype udev vorbis x264 xcb xml xv) Vlc updated 10/13/2011 to this version