Compiling vlc for linux: cannot find encoder (ffmeg)

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Compiling vlc for linux: cannot find encoder (ffmeg)

Postby DeftonesXP » 06 Jun 2005 17:16

Hi vlc team !

First of all, thanks for your great job !!

Here's my problem :
I am trying to use vlc under linux ( RedHat 8.0 ).
Since all the rpms that I could find are for RH 7 or 9, I decided to complile vlc. So I went to your source download page and downloaded all the files. I compiled everything.

Then, I tried to transcode a mpeg file to mp4 but I got this error :

[root /]# vlc
VLC media player 0.8.1 Janus
Remote control interface initialized, `h' for help
trying to add /record/try.mpg :sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=128,scale=0.25,acodec=mp4a,ab=64}:duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=mp4,url=/record/test.mp4}} to playlist
add: returned 0 (no error)
[00000433] mpeg_audio packetizer: MPGA channels:2 samplerate:48000 bitrate:256
[00000445] ffmpeg encoder error: cannot find encoder MPEG AAC Audio
[00000393] stream_out_transcode private error: cannot find encoder
[00000393] stream_out_transcode private error: cannot create audio chain
[00000433] main packetizer error: cannot create packetizer output
[msmpeg4 @ 0x85356e8]only YUV420 is supported
[00000452] ffmpeg encoder error: cannot open encoder
[00000393] stream_out_transcode private error: cannot find encoder
[00000393] stream_out_transcode private error: cannot create video chain
[00000422] main packetizer error: cannot create packetizer output

So I thought that ffmpeg wasn't properly linked to vlc. I looked around and found that I forgot to include configure option with vlc. I included the codecs in the config. params (i.e. --enable-faac). Recompiled everything again ... didn't work :(

Then I found that I could do the same but with ffmpeg, and use --with-ffmpeg-faac in the vlc config. Another config to do!! just to be sure, I did a big 'make clean'... in case that would help me...

No... not at all ... I still get the same ffmpeg error !!! :evil:
Can someone help me please ?

Thanks !

Notes :
1) I know this command is working because I tested it using a windows version of VLC. I used the same mpg file in both tests.
2) I don't have any xWindows in linux, so I compiled vlc without xwin support.
3) Here's the configure options I am using for vlc and ffmpeg :
ffmpeg :
./configure --prefix=$INST --enable-pp --enable-gpl --enable-libogg --enable-vorbis --enable-faad --enable-faac --enable-a52 --enable-mp3lame --enable-shared
vlc :
./configure --prefix=$INST \
--enable-debug \
--disable-x11 \
--disable-wxwindows \
--disable-gtk \
--disable-kde \
--disable-qt \
--disable-skins \
--disable-skins2 \
--disable-sdl \
--enable-ffmpeg \
--with-ffmpeg-ogg \
--with-ffmpeg-vorbis \
--with-ffmpeg-faad \
--with-ffmpeg-faac \
--with-ffmpeg-a52 \
--with-ffmpeg-mp3lame \
--enable-mad \
--enable-libdvbpsi \
--enable-libmpeg2 \
--enable-dts \
--enable-mkv \
--enable-freetype \
--enable-fribidi \
--enable-speex \
--enable-flac \
--enable-caca \
--enable-livedotcom \
--enable-dvd \
--enable-dvdnav \
--enable-dvdread \
--disable-libcdio \
--disable-libcddb \
--disable-vcdx \
--disable-vcd \
--disable-ncurses \
--enable-id3tag \
--with-libcdio-tree=../libcdio-0.70 \
--with-ffmpeg-tree=../ffmpeg-20041113 \
--with-freetype-config-path=../freetype-2.1.4 \
--with-xml2-config-path=../libxml2-2.6.4 \
--with-dvdnav-config-path=../libdvdnav-0.1.10 \
--with-libmpeg2-tree=../mpeg2dec-0.4.0 \
--with-livedotcom-tree=../live \
--with-dvbpsi-tree=../libdvbpsi-20041028 \
--with-dvdread-tree=../libdvdread-20041028 \

New Cone
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Postby DeftonesXP » 07 Jun 2005 20:40

Ok , since no one can answer my question, here's an easier one!

Since I compiled and installed vlc many times, I searched for old libs lying around. And guess what...

[root]# find / -name

Ah AH!!! :oops:

If I was using this option when configuring vlc : --prefix=/usr/local
where should the libs be after doing a "make install" ?
Are the libs in /usr/local the only good ones ? If so, I will delete all the other dirs, like /usr/lib/vlc ... except the src dir :)

Thanks !

New Cone
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Location: Université de Sherbrooke, Québec

Postby DeftonesXP » 08 Jun 2005 18:02

Please help !!

Flying Jack
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Postby Flying Jack » 28 Sep 2005 16:08

Up !
I've got the same problem...

encodeur:~# vlc --color v4l:/dev/video:norm=pal:frequency=543250:size=vga:channel=0:adev=/dev/dsp1:audio=1 --sout '#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=512,scale=1,acodec=mp4a,ab=64,channels=2}:std{access=udp,mux=ts,url=}'

VLC media player 0.8.2-svn Janus
libhal.c 767 : org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceDoesNotExist raised
"Service "org.freedesktop.Hal" does not exist"

[00000245] main playlist: adding playlist item `v4l:/dev/video:norm=pal:frequency=543250:size=vga:channel=0:adev=/dev/dsp1:audio=1' ( v4l:/dev/video:norm=pal:frequency=543250:size=vga:channel=0:adev=/dev/dsp1:audio=1 )
[00000249] skins2 interface error: Cannot open display
[00000249] skins2 interface error: Cannot initialize OSFactory
Interface de commande à distance initialisée, « h » pour obtenir de l'aide.
[00000313] ffmpeg encoder error: cannot find encoder MPEG AAC Audio
[00000255] stream_out_transcode private error: cannot find encoder
[00000255] stream_out_transcode private error: cannot create audio chain

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 28 Sep 2005 17:06

/me doesn't understand why ppl think that having the same error message indicates the same problem....

If 2 people drown, do you automatically assume that both drowned in the same way???
Don't use PMs for support questions.

Flying Jack
Blank Cone
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Postby Flying Jack » 28 Sep 2005 18:58

/me doesn't understand why ppl think that having the same error message indicates the same problem....

-> I want to answer "Maybe it's because we are lot of newbies, and for undestand a problem, in first, I look if anybody else is in the same situation..."

Maybe our 2 problems are different, and I'm really interesting to know why...

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