We had the same problem, it just started this week..
Seems that YouTube have started adding an escaped unicode sequence (\u0026) in-place of the & (ampersand) character in their flash variables.
I've posted a patch in trac (
If you want to get your hand a little dirty, and edit the LUA script that parses the YouTube video you can:
Use notepad or a 'plain' text editor and do the following:
1. Find the "youtube.lua" script (which is in the following directory: VLC -> lua -> playlist)
2. ** Make a backup **
3. Using notepad or a text editor, open the youtube.lua file and change the following (about half way down):
Code: Select all
if not fmt or tonumber( itag ) == tonumber( fmt ) then
-- do unescaping of /
url = string.gsub( url, '\\/','/' )
path = url
And add the following two lines (after the string.gsub line, but before the path = url line):
-- do convert of unicode 0026 to ampersand
url = string.gsub( url, '\\u0026','&' )
It should look like this when you're done:
Code: Select all
if not fmt or tonumber( itag ) == tonumber( fmt ) then
-- do unescaping of /
url = string.gsub( url, '\\/','/' )
-- do convert of unicode 0026 to ampersand
url = string.gsub( url, '\\u0026','&' )
path = url
Save that..
Worked for us, hope it works for you..