streaming over internet(http) not working

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Blank Cone
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streaming over internet(http) not working

Postby xcaldk74 » 04 Apr 2011 05:05

Hello VLC masters,

I'm new to this subject so i'm having lots of problems and questions. I'm trying to stream "file" that multiple users will be able to watch it via website using embed player such as wmp or vlc.

I'm using vlc 0.8.6i and going through the wizard:
input stream - myfile - http://myip:8080 (firewall turned off) - asf ttl(1) - and it is not streaming ?

there is also option for rtp multi/unicast BUT it says it won't work over the internet. I need the protocol that ill work over the internet. What are my other options mms?( would i put my ip for that)?
see below:
I am using router?-maybe thats the problem?- should I use the default router ip for the stream and than for the client use my ip address to get the content for them?

Any help greatly appreciated.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: streaming over internet(http) not working

Postby xcaldk74 » 04 Apr 2011 05:07

small update:
after i've changed the ip to my router defaul the HTTP stream is working i mean "streaming" BUT now how would I go about getting this stream to go outside my lan so others can watch it?!?!?


Blank Cone
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Re: streaming over internet(http) not working

Postby xcaldk74 » 04 Apr 2011 05:43

http is working using default ip:


where right is the server and left is the client.

What i will want to do as a final project is this:

which will allow my multiple users to use it. I know that there is a "THEORA-PLUGIN kit" which could help. BUT so far I can't figure out how can I use my own IP so others can watch it on embed player on the website.

and yes if I want to have wmp to be as my main player would I have to use mms or http will work as well? - can I use both players on the web and depending on the client the one will be opened?

I'm sorry a lots of questions... thank you very much though

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Re: streaming over internet(http) not working

Postby VLC_help » 04 Apr 2011 14:00

Leave the address field empty. That way it should bind to all addresses.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: streaming over internet(http) not working

Postby xcaldk74 » 04 Apr 2011 15:45

Leave the address field empty. That way it should bind to all addresses.
I was able to work this out w/ the router turn off. My question would be how can I have my router on and still stream on the web using my ip.

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Re: streaming over internet(http) not working

Postby Greg » 04 Apr 2011 16:31

You may find these of interest

Better/more advanced ... _and_Flash

Re your router, I guessing you need to "port forward" the IP to the server

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: streaming over internet(http) not working

Postby xcaldk74 » 05 Apr 2011 04:43

OK got it to work. I have two more questions:

1) security measures!- since I want to use the stream on www what would be security measures/guides for the novice. I was thinking using joomla that uses php which would be more secure that just pure html.-please correct me if I'm wrong. Anything else for considerations? i.e https etc...hidding my url/source code(any articles on that?)

2) I found out about source code called "Theora-PluginKIT" which is for VLC player only. Would there be any source code "similar to TPK which enables me to create folder type plugins that as soon as you press on presented square it starts the stream for you. Please see below. Keep in mind- something that works as wmp not only vlc on ie and ff browser. Please advise....


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Re: streaming over internet(http) not working

Postby VLC_help » 05 Apr 2011 13:46

1. If you need real security, you have to use HTTPS or similar encrypted transfer method with proper authentication. If you just want to keep search engines and spammers away, use simply login form in your page (or obfuscate URL with Javascript).

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: streaming over internet(http) not working

Postby xcaldk74 » 06 Apr 2011 23:02

1. If you need real security, you have to use HTTPS or similar encrypted transfer method with proper authentication. If you just want to keep search engines and spammers away, use simply login form in your page (or obfuscate URL with Javascript).
Thx vlc_help for quick reply,

Besides HTTPS is there anything that will hide my source code for my movies(http/mms) so ppl can steal it and watch it for free?

Mega Cone Master
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Re: streaming over internet(http) not working

Postby VLC_help » 07 Apr 2011 13:12

People who watch your videos can still capture those. HTTPS prevents that outsiders can't eavesdrop the communication between client and server.

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