People are charging money to buy their VLC Driod App !!

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Blank Cone
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People are charging money to buy their VLC Driod App !!

Postby hussam_2000 » 04 Feb 2011 20:12


I'm a big fan of VLC and i was thinking about developing a Driod app with it . I found people in the Android Market who are selling their VLC app for money , but i though that was illegal , isn't it ?

thank you ,

Sam E

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Re: People are charging money to buy their VLC Driod App !!

Postby SaviorSelf » 20 Feb 2011 13:24

I would say so, VLC doesnt have an App on the Android market and those people are aiming to rip peoples pockets dry by using the VLC name. However if they use the infamous VLC cone. they are breaking copyright.

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