Santa hat icon?

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Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 22 Dec 2010 16:47

I see. Not too nice of the trolls, but do not except anything else from trolls.

As for the patch: All of win and Mac users, and most of Linux users are using the precompiled binaries. As a Linux user i examine the question from the aspect of a default Linux user with a popular distro (Suse, Ubuntu, Fedora...).

A default Linux user with basic skills, selected his distro by the easyness of it's usage. In these popular distros, the user just get the package from the repo and installs it by "nextnextnext" just as on windows or OSX. And these repos ALWAYS contains a default built VLC, with anyithing VLC team implemented in it. So, whatever patch has been posted to you - unless if you did not put into the main version - anyone who uses the repos will be forced to recompile the binaries. (Or hack them, as i did.)
So whoever, who want to get rid the santa icons, or want to use it as root, already stucked in the beginning, since he has no knowledge in compiling manually. And there goes the patching. If someone cannot even compile the software (wich is not too hard, mostly it is ./configure, make, make install), then how do you except him to patch the code of a complex software?

Okay, expreienced users can make forks, and can put their precompiled binaries on the net, so this is one solution. But, how you can be sure, that these binaries are okay? What if their creator put something nasty into it? These alternative forks cannot be trusted, even if source is included, since if even the repo maintainers find code analyzing hard, and choose the easy method instead and fill the repo with binaries built from the default sources (not just VLC, any project), then what do you except from a basic user? Your default VLC source stream is the trusted version of VLC and everyone accepts and use it. So source patches are not a solution, unless you put into the main stream, as i said. Anyway source alternating is the way of the programmer, not the basic user.

So, still there is binary alternating. I disassembled the default "vlc" binary and the "qt4lib_plugin" library and instead of recompiling them, i made programs wich neutralize the relevant code sections, to escape the source recompiling. And i made it public, so anyone can directly patch VLC if wanted. But however, as you see above, the first thing were asked from me was the source, to check it is really a patch and not a virus. A bright example, that anything external stuff wich alternates VLC is not trusted by VLC users. And i cannot blame them, i would not trust unknown sources either.

So the only real userfriendly and trustable solution is removing the relevant codes from the mainstream. It's your decision, but i think you would not suffer any deficit from removing the root protection or the santa icons.

Anyway i still cannot comprehend why do you let the user use VLC as admin under win and why limit him under Linux, since windows has much more security problems. Just wondering.
You are speaking nonsense, sorry. Sending patch for the main VLC is completly documented and straight-forward.
And no patch for this has been sent to vlc-devel.
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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby tch_ » 22 Dec 2010 16:50

You mean, that if i write a patch wich removes the santa hat, and the root protection and send it in, then the next VLC will run in root mode and will lack the santa hat?

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 22 Dec 2010 17:16

Root mode, no. But santa hat, yes.
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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby Murphy's Lawyer » 22 Dec 2010 17:24

Every year, eh?

One should create a random holiday/religious angst mab lib for this thread.

As a (diety or inanimate object) fearing (religious creed or auto insurance classification), I respectfully demand that you (verb) the present feature set involving the (noun) currently in discussion as it is not in line with the core tenets of (prejudice, tradition or cell provider) that I subscribe to currently. Furthermore, I must remind you that I also find your preference for (food type or language) in said program offensive, in addition to your use of (gang color set or two dimensional shape). As an open source developer of (adjective) software, you must take into account that you are (verb) to the will of the masses, whether they connect to your site to express (feeling) via (internet service connectivity type or supernatural phenomena) or via public library, as is traditional to the (description of level of destitution). After all, we do (verb) your (form of compensation).

(governmental, national, religious or shopping observance) Wishes,

(anonymous moniker)

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby tch_ » 22 Dec 2010 17:30

Root mode, no. But santa hat, yes.
See, i did not speak nonsense, that was my point all along. It is futile to make a patch, if you do not want to implement it. That means, the VLC in the repos will have root protection, so everyone who use the repo and want to run VLC as root, will forced to recompile. Every time as a new VLC arrives.
The santa hat is merely an annoying thing, but disabling the root mode is a serious problem.

Now, please tell me, why disable the root mode in Linux and enable it under windows?

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby 3breadt » 22 Dec 2010 20:29

You should really look a bit more at the historical data...
People putting a red hat in Winter are not referring to religious matter. If you think so, you don't live in the same world than me.

Feel free to fork. Not to mention that this isn't my code, but funman's. The only reason this hat was kept was because religious bigot complained. And the more people will insults us, the more it will stay.

But still, feel free to fork.

Oh, and btw, I am still available for code consulting. Rates available on requests.
Red hat with white applications --> commonly associated with Santa Claus/Pere Noel/Weihnachtsmann --> associated with Christmas --> associated with "Christian" religion --> ignorant "non-Christians"/anti-Christmas-people do not like
That's just how it is, just wanted to show you why people get upset about it, although nobody anymore is celebrating Christmas because of religious reasons.
End of that discussion.

I like how you call it in the Qt4.cpp "QT_CHRISTMAS_TROLL_DAY". Question is though, who's trolling whom? ;)
-- 3breadt (aka altglass)

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby tch_ » 22 Dec 2010 20:56

Since he agreed to merge a patch wich removes the santa pictures, i think it is unnecessary to reignite the religious thread.
Actually currently i would like to know, if VLC team states, that the root mode is disabled because of security, then why they enable it on another OS wich has more security issues.

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby 3breadt » 22 Dec 2010 21:51

There is no "root mode" on Windows. Create another topic to discuss that issue.
-- 3breadt (aka altglass)

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby tch_ » 22 Dec 2010 22:04

It does not called "root mode", but more or less, it is the same thing.

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 23 Dec 2010 13:20

Root mode, no. But santa hat, yes.
See, i did not speak nonsense, that was my point all along. It is futile to make a patch, if you do not want to implement it. That means, the VLC in the repos will have root protection, so everyone who use the repo and want to run VLC as root, will forced to recompile. Every time as a new VLC arrives.
The santa hat is merely an annoying thing, but disabling the root mode is a serious problem.

Now, please tell me, why disable the root mode in Linux and enable it under windows?
Because the root patch has already been rejected.
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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby tch_ » 23 Dec 2010 15:06

And that's why you're making it possible to run VLC under windows as administrator? I don't get it.

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 23 Dec 2010 15:26

And that's why you're making it possible to run VLC under windows as administrator? I don't get it.
Because being administrator on Windows is the default policy.
Being the administrator on Linux, is not the default, and is usually considered novice.

And, this is not the place to discuss this.
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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby DavisD » 24 Dec 2010 15:39

Our church media machine runs Linux and OSS for recording (A/V) and playback. We use VLC to play intro/background music from time to time.

Earlier this week (Christmas Sunday service), I was using VLC to play back a Christmas hymn piano recording so that our pianist could sing in the choir- and I noticed the santa hat.

My southern, independent Baptist Church assembly doesn't exactly celebrate Santa Claus (Never heard a message on St. Nick)- but noticing the hat during the playback of "Christmas_Piano_2010" made me smile.

It's nice to see the holiday marked, thanks for the quirk!


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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby ddn2003 » 25 Dec 2010 05:27

When will this patch be available?
Will it be available for VLC for Windows too?

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby frankens » 26 Dec 2010 16:09

OMG < and to you athiests, OMFG . GET A LIFE .. what does the G stand for??? huh?
I will be completely honest. I have not gone to church for over 20 years (for the purpose of religion that is - I have gone to fix the copy machine/computer equipment)
When will people grow up. Any author can do anything with their software that they want. If you dont like the VLC santa icon (which I thought was cute), either get a different software or live with it. It coulda been a dancing budda for all I care? I still woulda done a doubletake and smiled. Next you are gonna ask that the tv network not show christmas specials (you can go buy a DVR and skip all of them)? Please put on a orange vest stating that you are athiests so we dont accidentally wish you a happy holiday season? I'm willing to bet that you bought at least one item on christmas sale price or black friday! Please tell me that you went to the store manager and requested to pay full price since you dont like the sale's meanings!! pretty please!!

Next time you see the santa hat on vlc, take your pc and throw it in the garbage. Then you wont have to see it again. Quit causing creative people annoyances.


to the authors, Keep it up/online with the eggs.. its stuff like this that make people (76.5% of us) smile at the little quirks. Possibly higher since .4% of the us population is athiest and some of the other groups may be tollerant of a jolly fat man that gives presents.

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby ddn2003 » 27 Dec 2010 21:52

Did I do that? LMAO

frankens, thanks for the laugh! I needed it! Have you ever thought of stand-up comedy? Because, man, you'd kill people!

I was debating if I should go on a rant like you, but you're NOT worth it!

PS - frankens, learn how to spell!

PPS - "If there is a Hell, I'll see you there!" - Trent Reznor

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby stahr » 28 Dec 2010 05:21

To be honest, wow like only 10 people out of millions who use vlc quit because of the santa hat? That's a pretty low number considering how politically correct society has become with people getting offended by everything nowadays.

It's a ****ing santa hat... you people are making it seem like someone is forcing you to convert your religion...


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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby pisyndrome » 29 Dec 2010 19:00

First time ive spotted the Santas hat and ive registered to say....... Brilliant. A nice bit of harmless fun. Great Work VLC.

Remember Offence is never given, it is only taken.

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby eviloatmeal » 30 Dec 2010 04:42

OMG < and to you athiests, OMFG . GET A LIFE .. what does the G stand for??? huh?
Gosh. But if I am ever inclined to exclaim such a thing I will type it out so there is no ambiguity. I imagine many non-subscribers share this sentiment.

As for the hat, I too am eager to know where the build which excludes this feature can be found. I am not particularly offended by the symbolism, but it does bother me a great deal to have a visually different icon on my screen, no matter how small.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby GreenThumb » 30 Dec 2010 07:00

That is cool, the santa hat, I was a little concerned when in the "About" tab it says "VLC Media player 1.1.5 The Luggage" anyone else see this? :?:

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby St Nick » 31 Dec 2010 08:58

I want to put my two cents in on this entertaining and epic thread.

I dislike the Santa icon primarily because it is distracting from a UI perspective.

Regardless of the merits of the change, I find it to be a minor visual distraction.

People get used to seeing the elements of their desktop environment in a certain way, and any change no matter how small has the potential for disturbing someones productivity.

To address the matter of the symbolism, Santa is in fact associated by the average person with Christmas topics such as Rudolph, Reindeer, Santa's Sleigh, "HO HO HO... MERRY CHRISTMAS", and sliding down the chimney to deliver presents. Perhaps to a lesser degree, Santa is even associated with the original theme of Christmas, Christ's birth.

The tendency of media content providers to incorporate the commercialized Christmas holiday theme into items such as TV episodes is very common, but for those of us which find this plot device to be slightly annoying and cheesy, thankfully it usually disappears without a trace the day after Christmas.

Aside from spawning this ugly discussion, ultimately a lighthearted Santa hat logo is not a big deal. However, it is currently December 31, so to have the Santa hat still on the icon doesn't make any logical sense, and seems either not well thought out or simply lazy programming.

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 31 Dec 2010 12:29

Aside from spawning this ugly discussion, ultimately a lighthearted Santa hat logo is not a big deal. However, it is currently December 31, so to have the Santa hat still on the icon doesn't make any logical sense, and seems either not well thought out or simply lazy programming.
No, it is just a cool hat for the last 2 weeks of the year. Not for Christmas.
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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby wonkypeas » 01 Jan 2011 01:20

No, it is just a cool hat for the last 2 weeks of the year. Not for Christmas.
Then it might not even be a santa hat, just an awesome red hat with a pom pom on it?

Anyway, I'm just happy that the hat's gone because it would have been pretty annoying to have it on for the whole year which creeped me out when I downloaded vlc because I though I did something wrong in the installation or something :? , to be honest, I find the naked cone quite attractive.

But it was fun while it lasted! Hope you guys do something for every holiday season so I at least remember why I'm on holiday half the time :D
It seems I have fallen back in love with the most adorable player in the world (Y)

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Re: Santa hat icon?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 11 Jan 2011 17:17

There is now an option to deactivate it.
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