streaming audio with VLC

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streaming audio with VLC

Postby ramada » 12 May 2005 17:27


I am using VLC to stream mp3 files through mms to WMP and mmsh to VLC clients. Everything is working fine. But every client listening adds more 128kbps to bandwidth which is very "network expensive" :)
I presume that only using multicast I can have a regular bandwidth occupation, right? With MMS/MMSH/HTTP and RTP every client pushes the bandwidth occupation up. Is that correct?

One more question: it is possible to transmit live events using the "open capture device" option and selecting the respective audio input device.

Thanks in advance.


Postby __mami2 » 15 May 2005 07:56

Is a 128kbits/s stream really resource intensive?
You are using some kind of unicast streams now, yes?
I send live streams to my clients using open capture device and i belive it is possible however it has some problems.


Postby Guest » 16 May 2005 10:40

I made a test using mms using a 32kbps stream (from a mp3 file). But every client joining the transmission added 32kbps more to the bandwidth. So it can be very bandwidth consuming. Multicast cannot be used because client networks don´t support it.
I think 16kbps is enough to a radio (voice mostly) transmission. Do you?
I have a 100Mbps network adapter. Will it handle some hundreds clients? What is your experience in that filed mami2?

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