Code: Select all
--run-time 20 vlc://quit
Code: Select all
--run-time 20 --stop-time=20 vlc://quit
Code: Select all
vlc.exe -I rc -vvv "C:\Program Files\Wowza Media Systems\Wowza Media Server 2\content\vlc.sdp" --sout=#standard{access=file,mux=ts,dst=c:\archive\today\currentstream.mp4} --run-time 3600 --stop-time=3600 vlc://quit
Code: Select all
sleep 1500; ps x | grep VLC | grep -v grep | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | xargs kill -9
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start "" vlc.exe --sout="#std{access=file,mux=mp3,dst=TEST.mp3}" --stop-time=10 vlc://quit
... I tried using:at the end of my command line, and indeed it would stop recording/writing after 20 seconds, but it would leave VLC open for at least a minute or two before closing it, which was unacceptable because of the timed batch files I was using. I found that using this command solved the problem, kills VLC approx 2 seconds after the timer is reached.Code: Select all
--run-time 20 vlc://quit
The full command line I'm using in case it's helpful (On WinXP SP3, x86, VLC "GoldenEye" 1.0.5) :Code: Select all
--run-time 20 --stop-time=20 vlc://quit
...Code: Select all
vlc.exe -I rc -vvv "C:\Program Files\Wowza Media Systems\Wowza Media Server 2\content\vlc.sdp" --sout=#standard{access=file,mux=ts,dst=c:\archive\today\currentstream.mp4} --run-time 3600 --stop-time=3600 vlc://quit
-Jamie M.
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SET metatitle={your task title}
SET source={your source}
SET output={your output file}
SET runtime = {needed length of recording in seconds}
echo %metatitle%
start "%metatitle%" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" %source% :demux=dump :demuxdump-file=%output% --meta-title=%metatitle% --input-repeat=1 --run-time=%runtime% --stop-time=%runtime% vlc://quit
timeout %runtime%
taskkill /FI "WindowTitle eq %metatitle%*" /T /F
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