Smooth looping of video file/sequence (w/o initial delay)?

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Blank Cone
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Smooth looping of video file/sequence (w/o initial delay)?

Postby abvgd » 11 Sep 2010 10:24

Is there any neat way to loop a small video file smoothly without the initial delay when VLC loads the file?
Apart from, of course, upgrading the CPU and optimizing Windows (though I'm not sure even this would by itself eliminate the delay)...

I was thinking of maybe something like buffering the playback, similar to the way network files are buffered, which would help avoid the load or seek delay when restarting the file?

As to why I would want this, I have two ambiental video files, one that's 1.5GB (30 min) and another that's just 15MB (30 sec). The big file simply repeats the 15MB/30s sequence over and over again, so it seems a bit overkill and unnecessary to keep the larger file but the problem is that looping the smaller file in VLC (and other players that I've tried) renders the playback unuseable due to the constant reload/loop delay. So I was hoping to find some way to make looping a small video/sequence as smooth as ordinary playback...

New Cone
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Re: Smooth looping of video file/sequence (w/o initial delay

Postby marlosb » 01 Nov 2011 17:53

I have a very similar question to yours. I've done a video that the end links with the beggining and I'm experiencing the same delay from the end of the video back to the beggining. I'm using Mac OS X intel i7 4GB RAM. I hope someone could give us a hint...

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Re: Smooth looping of video file/sequence (w/o initial delay

Postby rogerdpack » 01 Nov 2011 23:19

using libvlc you can issue
commands. Not that that helps you.
I too wish there were a "load but not play" option.
--sout-keep might help

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