VLC and TIGER problems!

For questions and discussion that is NOT (I repeat NOT) specific to a certain Operating System.

VLC and TIGER problems!

Postby forthebrave » 23 Apr 2005 22:28

After installing Tiger, when watching a movie in full screen and then shrink it to normal size, VLC freezes and quits. anyone else have this problem?


Postby invité » 25 Apr 2005 12:59

i have the same problem as you.

You see here (but there is nothing since 15 april):




Postby invité » 25 Apr 2005 13:17

or use vlc 0.72 and the solution with help menu.



Postby Guest » 25 Apr 2005 15:53

I'm having problems as well with VLC 0.8.1 and Tiger 8A428, seems to be a minor issue as VLC generally works well, it's just resizing windows/shrinking full size video that causes it to crash. Hopefully this can be adressed by the VLC team? Keep up the good work!


Postby forthebrave » 25 Apr 2005 16:17

I just downloaded the VLC 0.8.2 and it worked... is this beta or something??

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Joined: 16 Mar 2004 19:37
VLC version: 0.4.6 - present
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Location: Germany

Postby fkuehne » 25 Apr 2005 22:53

I just downloaded the VLC 0.8.2 and it worked... is this beta or something??
Yes, there are many known bugs in it. For example, parts of the playlist and the entire preferences are broken under OSX and still need to be fixed. It will take a long time until VLC 0.8.2 will finally be released.

The missing nightly builds are due to a bug in 3rd party library which prevents the compilation. That's got nothing to do with a potential NDA we might have with Apple until friday.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.
Blog: https://www.feepk.net

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VLC version: 0.4.6 - present
Operating System: Darwin
Location: Germany

Postby fkuehne » 27 Apr 2005 00:19

BTW. The 3rd party library was fixed this evening and there is an up-to-date nightly build available at the usual location now.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.
Blog: https://www.feepk.net


Postby Liam » 27 Apr 2005 04:37

VLC won't allow me to enable deinterlacing in Tiger :(

Posts: 7295
Joined: 16 Mar 2004 19:37
VLC version: 0.4.6 - present
Operating System: Darwin
Location: Germany

Postby fkuehne » 27 Apr 2005 10:33

VLC won't allow me to enable deinterlacing in Tiger :(
Do you get an error message or warning in Window -> Messages concerning this issue? If VLC crashes, what does the crash-log in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter say?
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.
Blog: https://www.feepk.net


Postby Liam » 27 Apr 2005 23:16

The options to enable deinterlacing are greyed out. It used to give me warnings in Panther, then work fine after a few secs.


Postby Liam » 27 Apr 2005 23:22

I'm also getting seemingly random crashes.
You know how the top of the window has the red yellow and blue buttons, the name and the rounded corners and stuff? Well that will go white, all white. The video will play for another few secs, then VLC crashes.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby WiseWeasel » 28 Apr 2005 08:26

Every time I launch VLC (latest nightly build, 4/27/05) in MacOS X 10.4, I get the following message in my console.log:

Code: Select all

[[32;1m00000001[0m] main vlc error: [31;1moption rt-offset does not exist[0m [00000001] main vlc error: option rt-offset does not exist 2005-04-27 23:18:31.375 VLC[368] CFLog (21): Error loading /Library/QuickTime/LiveType.component/Contents/MacOS/LiveType: error code 4, error number 0 (Library not loaded: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LiveType.framework/Versions/A/LiveType Referenced from: /Library/QuickTime/LiveType.component/Contents/MacOS/LiveType Reason: image not found)
Also, I am experiencing random crashes when switching to and from full screen mode. I've posted a copy of my crash.log here:
I like systems, their application excepted. (George Sand, translated from French), "J'aime beaucoup les systèmes, le cas d'application excepté."

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