jouer une vido avec vls en local ave une video en local

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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jouer une vido avec vls en local ave une video en local

Postby Guest » 09 Feb 2005 10:28

Je voulais tester vls avec une video en local, en local et j'ai executer la commande un peu comme dans la doc :

C:\Program Files\VLS> vls -vv -d udp: file:\gen_desert\insert_2\ntsc\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB --ttl 12 --loop

VideoLAN Server v 0.5.3 (Jun 6 2003) - (c)1999-2003 VideoLAN
2005-02-08 17:40:20 [INFO/Vls] Module "channel:file" registered
2005-02-08 17:40:20 [INFO/Vls] Module "channel:network" registered
2005-02-08 17:40:20 [INFO/Vls] Module "mpegreader:file" registered
2005-02-08 17:40:20 [INFO/Vls] Module "mpegconverter:ts2ts" registered
2005-02-08 17:40:20 [INFO/Vls] Module "mpegconverter:ps2ts" registered
2005-02-08 17:40:20 [INFO/Vls] Module "input:local" registered
2005-02-08 17:40:20 [INFO/Vls] Module "input:video" registered
2005-02-08 17:40:20 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "."
2005-02-08 17:40:20 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "C:\vls"
2005-02-08 17:40:20 [INFO/Vls] Channel 'output1' created
2005-02-08 17:40:20 [INFO/Vls] Starting input 'input1'
2005-02-08 17:40:20 [INFO/input1] Added program 'program1'
2005-02-08 17:40:20 [INFO/Vls] Input 'input1' sucessfully initialised
2005-02-08 17:40:20 [INFO/Vls] Telnet server initialised
2005-02-08 17:40:20 [INFO/Vls] Executing command1 : 'start program1 output1 inp
ut1 --loop '
Synchronised with PS stream
New Pid assigned: 80
PMT Add, PID : 0x80 , Type : 0x5
Synchronised with PS stream
Time discontinuity in PS stream
New Pid assigned: 81
PMT Add, PID : 0x81 , Type : 0x5
New Pid assigned: 82
PMT Add, PID : 0x82 , Type : 0x5
New Pid assigned: 83
Video: 0x83 , 131
PMT Add, PID : 0x83 , Type : 0x2
updating PCR_PID to value 131 (current pid = 0)
New Pid assigned: 84
PMT Add, PID : 0x84 , Type : 0x5
Time discontinuity in PS stream
Time discontinuity in PS stream
Time discontinuity in PS stream
Time discontinuity in PS stream
Time discontinuity in PS stream
Time discontinuity in PS stream
Time discontinuity in PS stream

Il n'y a pas de video qui s'affiche et une erreur, je suppose au dessus!

Cone Master
Cone Master
Posts: 5157
Joined: 03 Dec 2003 23:09
Location: Paris, France

Postby dionoea » 09 Feb 2005 15:44

(Ce forum est en anglais)

VLS is becoming obsolete as a streaming solution. Using VLC is now considered as a better (and more powerfull) solution.


Postby Guest » 25 Apr 2005 02:04

why VLS is bescoming obsolete ??

what did he propose more it ?

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 8
Joined: 22 Feb 2005 15:18

Postby Corto » 27 Apr 2005 01:11

It's seem that your file doesn't contain MPEG2-PS frame. Where do you find your file? If it's from a crypted DVD, it's normal. To read a DVD, VLS uses libdvdread which uses libcsss to decrypt the data. But if you copy the MOV file, VLS doesn't use libdvdread.

And why do you tell that VLS are obsolete. You don't support it anymore, but it's functional, and it does well for what it was done.


Postby Guest » 27 Apr 2005 02:54

so where can i find an example of a video available, would be reading by VLS ??

what i think strange it's i managed to stream with VLC, by graphic interface, and none success with VLS :(:(

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 8
Joined: 22 Feb 2005 15:18

Postby Corto » 29 Apr 2005 23:05

my solution is to have a DVD in input and a file as output. It will give you a MPEG2-TS file (*.ts). After you can use this file as input.

Another solution is to convert from the DVD to a MPEG2-PS file (*.mpeg) with a tool like mencode.

The last solution is to find a DVD without ecryption...

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