vlc 1.1.2 stil dont play .ts files

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vlc 1.1.2 stil dont play .ts files

Postby alexandrezia » 30 Jul 2010 03:12

When VLC 1.1.1 was released it dont played .ts files, so I rolled back to vlc 1.1.0
Now I`ve tested vlc 1.1.2 and it stil doesn`t play .ts files
rolling back to vls 1.1.0

what is happening?
They are releasing new versions without test?


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Re: vlc 1.1.2 stil dont play .ts files

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 30 Jul 2010 08:18

File a bug with a sample.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: vlc 1.1.2 stil dont play .ts files

Postby klubn » 06 Aug 2010 11:02

I’d love to post a sample, but the file is kinda huge… (around 8 GB).

Anyway, I second this problem.

I have a set of ts/tp files, and VLC is able to play only a selected few of these.

Certain situations that appear:

• The file plays successfully, but time index isn’t registering/showing (but still can scrub/skim through the video);

• The file plays, but the video is completely distorted; and

• The file doesn’t want to play at all (this can be an intermittent issue — sometimes the file plays, sometimes it just refuses to).

VLC 1.1.2 seems to have improved on this situation (was on 1.0.6 before). But the issue is clearly still present, and very much apparent.

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Re: vlc 1.1.2 stil dont play .ts files

Postby fkuehne » 06 Aug 2010 12:58

VLC was never able to show the time index of TS files correctly, because this is quite hard to implement. Basically, VLC would need to walk through the entire file to count its length, as there is no index (in contrast to MPEG PS files).

The distortion could be triggered by the input source. It's often DVB-x recording, which are prone to corruption. IMO, there is little VLC could do about that, but I may be wrong.

I can reproduce your last point, especially with my own DVB-T recordings. That's really annoying indeed. I'll see if can create a sample file and will create a proper bug report on trac.
Felix Paul Kühne
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Re: vlc 1.1.2 stil dont play .ts files

Postby stevedee3 » 06 Aug 2010 13:10

• The file doesn’t want to play at all (this can be an intermittent issue — sometimes the file plays, sometimes it just refuses to).
I record a lot of DVB-T broadcasts as MPEG-TS files. Occasionally I'll get one that doesn't play, but will play OK in, e.g. mplayer. I'm wondering whether it's because the TS parser is looking for certain PIDs which are missing or maybe it tries to play a program that is not present in the file.

Just a guess...

New Cone
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Re: vlc 1.1.2 stil dont play .ts files

Postby klubn » 09 Aug 2010 19:29

I can reproduce your last point, especially with my own DVB-T recordings. That's really annoying indeed. I'll see if can create a sample file and will create a proper bug report on trac.
Actually, for this particular scenario, the problem occurs 100% of the time when there’s an external subtitle file detected by VLC.

I have no problems playing back H.264 (mkv, avi, mp4) files where SRT files are available. But for an m2ts (.ts or .tp file), VLC simply refuses to cooperate — and has been like this since the 1.0.x days.

I’ve posted a reply here (viewtopic.php?f=12&t=80812&p=267240#p267240) on the issue, in more detail.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Re: vlc 1.1.2 stil dont play .ts files

Postby ajmas » 12 Aug 2010 16:50

Could you open a ticket for this, referencing it here? - thanks :)
Providing logs, messages, configuration info (VLC, OS, Hardware) and a clear explanation of the issue always helps the problem solvers help you, even if they don't end up solving the issue. Just think what you would need if you were solving someone else's problem. Additional: Always looking for eager and capable MacOS X developers to join the VLC team - for more information see here.

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