AVI broken message window - can it be on top?

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AVI broken message window - can it be on top?

Postby wcutler » 04 Aug 2010 20:03

The error message about the AVI index file being broken? It's up now, buried under who knows what, so I can't play my video until I can find that message. That's another reason (see my other posting) why it would be really nice once it fixes that index to keep the fixed index to use again and not make me respond to that message every time I play the file.

So if I can't save the fixed index, can the error message dialog be on top? I don't always want the player on top, just the error message so I can find it.
Wendy Cutler

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Re: AVI broken message window - can it be on top?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 04 Aug 2010 22:53

File a bug.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: AVI broken message window - can it be on top?

Postby wcutler » 06 Aug 2010 20:07

I don't see where to file a bug report - I scanned and did some queries on the FAQ. All I can find is something about being on the development team if I want to report problems.

But I did find the bit about doing the fix every time without asking, so I'm fine now that I'm not getting that window. Thanks.
Wendy Cutler

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Re: AVI broken message window - can it be on top?

Postby VLC_help » 07 Aug 2010 17:35

Use external tools for fixing like said in Wiki. VLC will write out broken AVI files, so fixing AVI files with VLC is something you should avoid.

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