Missing Actions?

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 55
Joined: 14 Jul 2010 19:09

Missing Actions?

Postby quu » 03 Aug 2010 21:54

I am basing these questions on this link

I am working on a skin for a video playback via dual monitors, where the second monitor goes out to a projector. I have disabled the mouse on this second screen, so I need all of the controls to be on my control window. So far, everything looks good, with a couple of exceptions.

For DVDs, with skins I can't find anyway to navigate the menus except via a mouse. There is no dvd.up() or dvd.right() nor a dvd.activate() that i can find. Am I just missing it. This seams to also apply to the http interface... I am going to be converting my skin into an http version also, once I am done. I tried "vlc.osd.menu['up']()" or "vlc.osd.menu['activate']()" (found these from the rc.lua file, no idea if the OSD also translates to the DVD menus) as the actions for the buttons, and the button did not show up at all.

And the second question I have is... how do I show the "extended settings" dialog that I can call up in the QT interface in a skin? the one that pops up a three panel window with audio effects, video effects, and synchronization options? I know I can sort of recreate the equalizer with a skin, but I really want all of those options.

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Joined: 02 Nov 2008 23:16

Re: Missing Actions?

Postby erwan10 » 03 Aug 2010 22:48

For DVDs, with skins I can't find anyway to navigate the menus except via a mouse. There is no dvd.up() or dvd.right() nor a dvd.activate() that i can find.
Everything skins offers w.r.t dvd is described on the web site you mention. No extra undocumented dvd features, I fear.

dvd.nextTitle(): Go to the next title of the DVD (since VLC 0.8.5).
dvd.previousTitle(): Go to the previous title of the DVD (since VLC 0.8.5).
dvd.nextChapter(): Go to the next chapter of the DVD (since VLC 0.8.5).
dvd.previousChapter(): Go to the previous chapter of the DVD (since VLC 0.8.5).
dvd.rootMenu(): Go to the root menu of the DVD (since VLC 0.8.5).

And the second question I have is... how do I show the "extended settings" dialog that I can call up in the QT interface in a skin? the one that pops up a three panel window with audio effects, video effects, and synchronization options? I know I can sort of recreate the equalizer with a skin, but I really want all of those options.
IIRC, this very "extended settings" dialog is accessible with skins via the popupmenu (right click when the cursor is over the video control or any image controls).


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 55
Joined: 14 Jul 2010 19:09

Re: Missing Actions?

Postby quu » 03 Aug 2010 23:06

IIRC, this very "extended settings" dialog is accessible with skins via the popupmenu (right click when the cursor is over the video control or any image controls).

ok, I can't link that to a button (there is only video pop up, audio pop up, and misc popup) since it is in the interface option of the default pop up. But I can just include a small logo or something where a user can right click (instead of action being move), not optimal (since the QT interface had it as a button, i was hoping i could to) but I will deal.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 55
Joined: 14 Jul 2010 19:09

Re: Missing Actions?

Postby quu » 09 Aug 2010 21:17

mainly as a note to my self, i'll check when I am at home and can play with the source, but 1.1.2 under windows throws an assertion error when running dialogs.directory(). It lets me pick the directory, but seams to blow up when loading said directory. It is not due to a space in the directory name... tried it with c:\test\ which only had test.mpg inside of it.

assertion failed
src/text/strings.c line 1120
path[0] == DIR_SEP_CHAR

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 55
Joined: 14 Jul 2010 19:09

Re: Missing Actions?

Postby quu » 09 Aug 2010 21:37

More notes for me

dealing with playlists... there does not seam to be, withing the skins2 interface, the ability to change a playlist, other than to load, sort (alphabetically only), add to end, and delete. I can't move an item in the playlist except by adding it to the end, deleting all the items between where I want it, and then re adding those items in the correct order. There does not seam to be a way to clear the playlist. There does not seam to be a way to add "vlc//pause" in either the skins2 or the qt interface, has to be manually added to a physical playlist file via a text editor. I can probably add something like this when I am adding the dvd nav buttons to the skins2

in 1.1.2 the fake input filter seams to be broken... in the Input/codes -> access modles -> fake there is a duration in milliseconds, defaults to -1. in 1.1.0 when I added a bitmap to the playlist, it paused forever displaying that bitmap (as the -1 is supposed to do). now the bitmap flashes on the screen for a short second or so no matter the value of the "duration in milliseconds". there is also a fake video decoder, did not mess with anything there, not sure how it is supossed to be used.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 55
Joined: 14 Jul 2010 19:09

Re: Missing Actions?

Postby quu » 09 Aug 2010 22:20

strange, 1.1.2 dialogs.fileSimple() brings up the same advanced dialog that dialogs.file() and playlist.add() does. I would expect playlist.add() to auto default to en queue instead of play, as i am adding files to the playlist, not "opening" them.

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