Music player which compatible with VLC

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Music player which compatible with VLC

Postby rush2k4 » 29 Jun 2010 13:52

Hello everyone.
I'm using VLC for playing media files/dvds. I think VLC is a very good program but it lacks some features that I really need when playing music (lyrics display, filter by artist/album etc...). Then I come up with an idea: using an additional music player which support above features. Therefore, when playing DVD, video, I will use VLC but when playing music, I will use the music player instead. But I'm afraid that they will conflict with eachother and I will end up with a buggy system. Please let me know is the conflict possible and suggest me a good music player which I can use together with VLC.
Any help would be appreciated.
Best regards.

P/S: sorry for my poor English.

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Re: Music player which compatible with VLC

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 30 Jun 2010 01:57

Lyrics display can be done in VLC 1.1.0 with extensions.
Filter by artist is doable too. Same for Album.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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New Cone
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Re: Music player which compatible with VLC

Postby userdownloader » 02 Jul 2010 05:50

Lyrics, lyrics, lyrics, is something we all want in VLC . Minilyrics comes with a plugin for VLC but it does not load in last VLC version.

How can I configurate VLC to accept the minilyrics plugin. ??????

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