Saving crop and aspect ratio settings for each video!

Feature requests for VLC.
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Saving crop and aspect ratio settings for each video!

Postby 0rb » 17 Mar 2010 23:46

Hello, I have a feature request that I really would like to see implemented, and it shouldn't be too hard to make it! I'm sorry if this has been already suggested.

Basically I would like that when I watch a video, and use the crop and/or aspect ratio keyboard shortcuts, it save those settings in text file.

Then, when I replay this video later, it search in that file if settings are saved, then if found, it apply the saved settings, so I don't have to press the keyboard shortcuts to modify those ratios each time I watch this video! For faster processing, it is probably better to load the file in memory only once, when VLC is started :)

An small example is better than few lines of texts, since I'm not english :) Here is how the text file could looks like:

Code: Select all

//format is: filename = aspect ; crop //the settings should be saved as a division representation //so users can easily modify directly in the config file (as 16/9 is easier to remember than 1.77777) Video1.avi=16/9;16/10 //but floats should also be allowed of course. Video2.flv=1.25;1.33333333333333
Also, this feature could be developped to save more settings, such as audio volume for example!

Please, tell me what you guys think about it! Thanks :)

New Cone
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Re: Saving crop and aspect ratio settings for each video!

Postby fertarevet » 21 May 2010 20:07

I think that it is possible.

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Re: Saving crop and aspect ratio settings for each video!

Postby VLC_help » 22 May 2010 16:13

Yep, this has been requested earlier.

New Cone
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Re: Saving crop and aspect ratio settings for each video!

Postby Cymrodor » 22 Aug 2010 15:55

I'd like a similar feature.

My computer doesn't recognise that my TV is widescreen so when I watch 16:9 aspect video on it in full-screen there are black lines top and bottom. I can tell VLC to play the video in 4:3 apect, which is great. But I have to do this every time I watch a video. Even if I stop a video and start it again without closing the player, I have to set the ratio again. I'd like it to be possible to set such options as a default.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Saving crop and aspect ratio settings for each video!

Postby Tholek » 22 Jan 2013 03:45

Actually, it ought to be a field in a .xspf file.

I have episodes of television series ripped with bad cropping in season-based folders, and I would love to play each in order via a playlist file for that folder with the added crop/aspect settings.

This seems more than plausible, but feasible. Can it be added to the dev list for the next build?

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