Music title logging

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
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Music title logging

Postby danoussh » 20 Apr 2010 22:27

Hello VLC comunity,

Introduction to idea:

I would like vlc to be able to write down/log music information that has been played into a file from a web radio source.

The idea is to be able to have a list of all the music that has been played when listening to a specifique radio (in my case ShoutCast radios).
The information logged can be "Artist", "Title", "Album", "Genre" ... I suppose all info possible about the music that is available.


Many times i have heard a music being played on the radio that i have not been able to write down. It could also give a us the possibility to listen to a specifique radio and then download the music that was played on that radio afterwards.


Maybe could we add later on a "FLAG" option :!: . When listening to radio and hear a good song i like, i press a button/key that will flag that song, so that later on i can then find see the flaged song in the list. No need to go throw 100s or more song to find the one i liked :) . Especially that these songs were heard on the radio, so you will need to download them or find them on youtube like platforms to listen to them.

The Flag option could also be used for playlists that contains big amount of songs.
It a simple features that can come in handy for any type of use in VLC.


I think this idea could be a great thing, many of my friends like listening to psy trance radio to find new music, but don't always pay attention to the music, and forget to write down the title and all.

So please tell me what you guys think of this.

PS: Thanks alot for creating VLC in the first place, love it.:)

Mega Cone Master
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Re: Music title logging

Postby VLC_help » 21 Apr 2010 11:38

This could be done quite easily. Modifying MSN now playing plugin would be a starting point.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Music title logging

Postby danoussh » 22 Apr 2010 12:57

Ok so here is the link to the MSN.c plugin source code:;a=bl ... tify/msn.c

MSN Plugin (msn.c) Doc: ... sn_8c.html

I don't know much at all in C, but do dev in PHP.
Now i suppose that the best part to modify is the function "SendToMSN"
After reading the doc, SendToMSN() is a static int. So i think it updates it self. This is why i think it mite be a good place to start.
To back up my idea, the SendToMSN() function is called with parameters.

Now i haven't worked it out yet, but i was thinking of writing the data to a file by using fwrite...

Also i have noticed the only variable available are the "Artist", "Title" and "Album". At the begining I was hopping to get the "Gender" variable also.
Then add also the time and date aside of the artist, title, album.

So what do you guys think, is this a good way to start?
If not, i'm open to other suggestions.


Mega Cone Master
Mega Cone Master
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Re: Music title logging

Postby VLC_help » 22 Apr 2010 16:14

Yep. Replace SendToMSN with some basic file writing operations. There are more meta tags you can fetch (genre should be one). So for example

Code: Select all

char *psz_genre = input_item_GetGenre( input_GetItem( p_input ) );
should work.

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