How can I RTSP stream to the world ?

*nix specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 08 Apr 2010 19:31

How can I RTSP stream to the world ?

Postby bashar » 08 Apr 2010 22:02

I've spent hours trying to get VLC to stream a file using RTSP that is accessible from OUTSIDE the LAN with no avail. I can access the RTSP stream fine from inside the LAN, but I can't access it from outside it.

I understand that VLC doesn't support interleaved RTSP/RTP transport, and someone mentioned RTSP/RTP unicast transport..but I am not sure how to do that. It is fine for me to use unicast streaming, but can I use unicast streaming to stream using RTSP where the stream URL starts with RTSP:// and the client just opens the RTSP URL ? is this possible at all with VLC ? If so how do you do it ?


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