does any one cross-compile successfully vlc for arm-linux

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 51
Joined: 19 Mar 2009 03:18

does any one cross-compile successfully vlc for arm-linux

Postby » 17 Mar 2010 06:50

hi pals,
I have try many times to cross-compile VLC-1.0.1 for arm-linux, unfortunately I failed, though I can successfully compile it and get the vlc excute file, but when I run it on arm. the problem comes

Code: Select all

VLC media player 1.0.1 Goldeneye [0x83170] main playlist fetcher error: cannot spawn secondary preparse thread [0x2c728] main playlist error: cannot create playlist fetcher [0x2c728] main playlist error: cannot spawn preparse thread [0x2c728] main playlist error: cannot create playlist preparser [0x2c728] main playlist error: cannot spawn playlist thread [0x831a8] main interface error: interface thread could not be created at interface/interface.c:151 (Operation not permitted) [0x831a8] main interface error: cannot spawn interface thread [0x122d8] main interface error: no suitable interface module [0x12170] main libvlc error: interface "signals" initialization failed [0x122d8] main interface error: no interface module matched "globalhotkeys,none" [0x122d8] main interface error: no suitable interface module [0x12170] main libvlc error: interface "globalhotkeys,none" initialization failed [0x12170] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface. Remote control interface initialized. Type `help' for help. [0x12320] main interface error: interface thread could not be created at interface/interface.c:151 (Operation not permitted) [0x12320] main interface error: cannot spawn interface thread *** LibVLC Exception not handled: Interface initialization failed Set a breakpoint in 'libvlc_exception_not_handled' to debug.
vlc can not create new thread. I have saw the source code about thread create. It failed and return the errorno "1", the error string of the errno is "Operation not permitted" .
It confused me a lot. I run the vlc as test user not root. why the program have not permission to create thread?
:evil: :?:
does anybody have successful run vlc on arm? can you tell me the version of the vlc, and the compile environment? thanks a lot.

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