Hi there,
I am using VLC to play raw .vdr files.
VDR splits files during a recording session, so I often have multiple files in a playlist that are in fact one movie.
Everytime when VLC player switches to the next file, it forgets some of my playing settings, e.g. the playing speed, the selectd audio track, etc ...
Yes, I watch some movies at 1.5 speed
And yes, some TV stations send more than one audio track.
It would be really nice if VLC player would keep those settings when switching file.
At least if they have the same format, the same number of audio tracks, ...
Maybe, some people like the current behaviour, so the keeping of playing settings should be optional.
Also, there is always a small audio outage when switching to the next file.
This is also annoying when the files in the playlist are parts of one movie.