Code: Select all
vlc -I rc --video-x 0 --video-y 0 --width 640 --height 480 --rc-host=localhost:12345 --audio-filter=audiobargraph_a --audiobargraph_a-address=localhost --audiobargraph_a-port=12345 --audiobargraph_a-bargraph=0 --sub-filter audiobargraph_v --audiobargraph_v-x=50 --audiobargraph_v-y=25 --audiobargraph_v-alarm=1 mms://my.url
Your command line seems ok, I tried it but I suspect 2 problems :Maybe someone can help me here..... I've been trying to get the Vu-meter running. I've been able to get the graph up on top of my video. But I can not seem to get the audio levels to do anything.
Here is what I'm using to do it:Code: Select all
vlc -I rc --video-x 0 --video-y 0 --width 640 --height 480 --rc-host=localhost:12345 --audio-filter=audiobargraph_a --audiobargraph_a-address=localhost --audiobargraph_a-port=12345 --audiobargraph_a-bargraph=0 --sub-filter audiobargraph_v --audiobargraph_v-x=50 --audiobargraph_v-y=25 --audiobargraph_v-alarm=1 mms://my.url
Code: Select all
new RTL broadcast enabled
setup RTL input "udp://@"
setup RTL output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=RTL,width=360,height=288},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=1},select=audio}
new RTL2 broadcast enabled
setup RTL2 input "udp://@"
setup RTL2 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=RTL2,width=360,height=288},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=2},select=audio}
new VOX broadcast enabled
setup VOX input "udp://@"
setup VOX output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=VOX,width=360,height=288},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=3},select=audio}
new n-tv broadcast enabled
setup n-tv input "udp://@"
setup n-tv output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=n-tv,width=360,height=288},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=4},select=audio}
#Background options
new bg broadcast enabled
setup bg input "fake://" option "fake-file=C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Escritorio\mosaic\mosaic.png" option "fake-width=720" option "fake-height=576" option "fake-aspect-ratio=16:9"
setup bg option sub-filter=mosaic
setup bg output #transcode{vcodec=mp2v,vb=4096,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=192,channels=4,sfilter=mosaic}:transcode{vcodec=mp2v,vb=4096,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=192,channels=4,sfilter='marq{marquee=RTL-%H:%M:%S,x=180,y=260,size=16}:marq{marquee=RTL2-%d.%m.%Y,x=540,y=260,size=16}:marq{marquee=VOX,x=180,y=548,size=16}:marq{marquee=n-tv,x=540,y=548,size=16}'}:bridge-in{offset=100}:duplicate{dst=std{access=udp{ttl=128},mux=ts,dst=}}
# Mosaic options
setup bg option mosaic-alpha=255
setup bg option mosaic-height=576
setup bg option mosaic-width=720
setup bg option mosaic-align=5
setup bg option mosaic-xoffset=0
setup bg option mosaic-yoffset=0
setup bg option mosaic-vborder=0
setup bg option mosaic-hborder=0
setup bg option mosaic-position=1
setup bg option mosaic-rows=2
setup bg option mosaic-cols=2
setup bg option mosaic-order=RTL,RTL2,VOX,n-tv
setup bg option mosaic-keep-aspect-ratio="16:9"
setup bg option mosaic-keep-picture
control bg play
control RTL play
control RTL2 play
control VOX play
control n-tv play
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
new dvb-s-card broadcast enabled
new dvb-t-card broadcast enabled
setup dvb-s-card input "dvb://"
setup dvb-s-card option dvb-adapter=1
setup dvb-s-card option dvb-frequency=11527000
setup dvb-s-card option dvb-srate=27500000
setup dvb-s-card option dvb-voltage=13
setup dvb-s-card option dvb-tone=0
setup dvb-s-card option programs=50300,50315
setup dvb-s-card option ts-es-id-pid
setup dvb-s-card option sout-standard-access=udp
setup dvb-s-card option sout-standard-mux=ts
setup dvb-t-card input "dvb://"
setup dvb-t-card option dvb-adapter=0
setup dvb-t-card option dvb-frequency=762000000
setup dvb-t-card option dvb-bandwidth=8
setup dvb-t-card option programs=29952,30016,30080
setup dvb-t-card option ts-es-id-pid
setup dvb-t-card option sout-standard-access=udp
setup dvb-t-card option sout-standard-mux=ts
setup dvb-s-card output #duplicate{dst=std{dst=},select="program=50300",dst=std{dst=},select="program=50315"}
setup dvb-t-card output #duplicate{dst=std{dst=},select="program=29952",dst=std{dst=},select="program=30016",dst=std{dst=},select="program=30080"}}
control dvb-s-card play
control dvb-t-card play
Code: Select all
#new channel1 broadcast enabled
#setup channel1 input udp://@
#setup channel1 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=1,height=248,width=345},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=1},select=audio}
new channel2 broadcast enabled
setup channel2 input udp://@
setup channel2 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=2,height=200,width=320},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=2},select=audio}
new channel3 broadcast enabled
setup channel3 input udp://@
setup channel3 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=3,height=200,width=320},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=3},select=audio}
new channel4 broadcast enabled
setup channel4 input udp://@
setup channel4 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=4,height=200,width=320},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=4},select=audio}
new channel5 broadcast enabled
setup channel5 input udp://@
setup channel5 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=5,height=200,width=320},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=5},select=audio}
new background broadcast enabled
setup background input fake://
setup background option mosaic-alpha=255
setup background option mosaic-height=556
setup background option mosaic-width=700
setup background option mosaic-align=5
setup background option mosaic-xoffset=10
setup background option mosaic-yoffset=10
setup background option mosaic-vborder=10
setup background option mosaic-hborder=10
setup background option mosaic-position=2
setup background option mosaic-offsets="20,20,380,20,20,280,380,280"
setup background option mosaic-rows=3
setup background option mosaic-cols=2
setup background option mosaic-order="2,3,4,5"
setup background option fake-file="backdrop.png"
setup background option fake-width=720
setup background option fake-height=576
setup background option fake-fps="25"
setup background option fake-aspect-ratio="16:9"
setup background option mosaic-keep-picture=1
setup background option mosaic-keep-aspect-ratio=1
setup background output #transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=10000,acodec=none,scale=1,sfilter='mosaic:marq{marquee="Channel M (Sat)",x=100,y=220,size=24}:marq{marquee="Channel M (DTT)",x=450,y=220,size=24}:marq{marquee="MCR Shopping 1",x=90,y=480,size=24}:marq{marquee="MCR Shopping 2",x=450,y=480,size=24}:marq{marquee="%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S",x=220,y=540,size=32}:AudioBarGraph_V'}:bridge-in{delay=400,id-offset=100}:standard{access=http,mux=ts,dst=}
control background play
#control channel1 play
control channel2 play
control channel3 play
control channel4 play
control channel5 play
Code: Select all
uhuh:~ crapulax$ /Applications/ --sub-filter=audiobargraph_v /Users/crapulax/test.avi --audiobargraph_v-alarm=0 --audio-filter=audiobargraph_a --rc-host=localhost:1234 --audiobargraph_a-port=1234 --extraintf=oldrc --video-x=0 --video-y=0 --width=640 --height=480 --audiobargraph_v-position=1
Please note that this feature is using messages sent through TCP so you may have to check your firewall settings.Audio Bar Graph Video sub filter
Value of the audio channels levels
Value of the audio level of each channels between 0 and 1Each level
should be separated with ':'.
X coordinate
X coordinate of the bargraph.
Y coordinate
Y coordinate of the bargraph.
--audiobargraph_v-transparency=<integer [0 .. 255]>
Transparency of the bargraph
Bargraph transparency value (from 0 for full transparency to 255 for
full opacity).
--audiobargraph_v-position={0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
Bargraph position
Enforce the bargraph position on the video (0=center, 1=left,
2=right, 4=top, 8=bottom, you can also use combinations of these
values, eg 6 = top-right).
Signals a silence and displays and alert (0=no alarm, 1=alarm).
Bar width in pixel (default : 10)
Width in pixel of each bar in the BarGraph to be displayed (default :
Audio part of the BarGraph function
TCP address to use (default localhost)
TCP address to use to communicate with the video part of the Bar
Graph (default localhost).In the case of bargraph incrustation, use
TCP port to use (default 12345)
TCP port to use to communicate with the video part of the Bar Graph
(default 12345).Use the same port as the one used in the rc interface.
Defines if BarGraph information should be
sent (default 1)
Defines if BarGraph information should be sent. 1 if the information
should be sent, 0 otherwise (default 1).
Sends the barGraph information every n audio
packets (default 4)
Defines how often the barGraph information should be sent. Sends the
barGraph information every n audio packets (default 4).
Defines if silence alarm information should
be sent (default 1)
Defines if silence alarm information should be sent. 1 if the
information should be sent, 0 otherwise (default 1).
Time window to use in ms (default 5000)
Time Window during when the audio level is measured in ms for silence
detection. If the audio level is under the threshold during this
time, an alarm is sent (default 5000).
Minimum Audio level to raise the alarm
(default 0.1)
Threshold to be attained to raise an alarm. If the audio level is
under the threshold during this time, an alarm is sent (default 0.1).
Time between two alarm messages in ms
(default 2000)
Time between two alarm messages in ms. This value is used to avoid
alarm saturation (default 2000).
Force connection reset regularly (default 1)
Defines if the TCP connection should be reset. This is to be used
when using with audiobargraph_v (default 1).
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