pass arguments to libvlc/jvlc

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pass arguments to libvlc/jvlc

Postby matkas » 27 Jan 2010 22:46

Hi All,

I am using the java libvlc binding to grab snapshots from screen:// with the video.getSnapshot() method. Currently this works and I am getting png files.

Now I want to have jpeg files instead of the png files, so i tried to add different options to the libvlc:

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MediaDescriptor mediaDescriptor = new MediaDescriptor(jvlc,"screen://"); mediaDescriptor.addOption("--scene-format jpg"); mediaDescriptor.addOption("--snapshot-format jpg"); mediaDescriptor.addOption("--config path/to/vlcrc"); // config file with according configurations
None of this worked and I am still getting png files.

Another problem is, that I tried to transcode and stream with the libvlc and the jvlc binding. Therefor I passed the following to the mediaDescriptor.

Code: Select all

I do not get any feedback about passed options from the debugging outputs. It seems, libvlc does not get anything from the options I am passing.

Some arguments, e.g. "-vvv" and "--no-osd", can be passed successfully directly with the instantiation variables (JVLC jvlc = new JVLC(args)).

Am I doing something wrong with passing the options?
Does someone has an idea, how to pass options to the libvlc?


Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: pass arguments to libvlc/jvlc

Postby mangokm40 » 09 Dec 2013 14:57

I write in C. I've been using libvlc_video_take_snapshot() and have simply used a ".jpg" extension for the output file.
I've had no problem with the images captured. After reading this thread, I examined the images and they are "png" images with "jpg" extension. Yet, I've had no trouble using the output as if they were "jpg" images (for a couple of years). :D

Thanks for the information (in 2010)...and thanks for accidentally bumping this thread (in 2013).... :)

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