Vlc stops streaming on adding new file with web interface

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New Cone
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Vlc stops streaming on adding new file with web interface

Postby dorit82 » 03 Jan 2010 19:07

I've set up a computer as a server running vlc, with web interface active. It's setup to stream with UDP to a computer (connected to my TV).
The UDP streaming works great, after I set it up, simple and plain with the advanced open dialog. But when I add a new file to the cue with the web interface, and play that file, it only plays localy (on the server computer).
It seams I have to set vlc up so that it streams out to UDP by default.

I am running the latest version (on both sides).

Here are the streaming setting (don't know if it is relevant to the problem, since the streaming it self works)

Code: Select all

ps. I guess it is likely that someone else has posted this exact problem before, but I just couldn't find it.

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Re: Vlc stops streaming on adding new file with web interface

Postby Shai-Hulud » 04 Jan 2010 04:56

In the web interface you have to save the http streaming/video codec/audo codec stuff for every file you want to play. So when you browse to another file you want to add after you set up the first one, click save for the other options. Rinse and repeat.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Vlc stops streaming on adding new file with web interface

Postby dorit82 » 05 Jan 2010 01:30

I got it up and running this way, thanks :)

still I have to reenter the settings if I close the browser.
Still if I could setup vlc so that it always streams out, (never plays localy) then that would make it perfect :D

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