Build VLC 1.0.2 with NetBeans

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Build VLC 1.0.2 with NetBeans

Postby lav.agrawal » 02 Nov 2009 07:32

I am a DotNet programmer and I want to integrate VLC with my application, I was trying to compile VLC 1.0.2 with Netbeans using cygwin compiler but I am very new with Netbeans and cygwin. Please help me briefly to how to configure the netbeans and cygwin to build VLC.

Lav Agrawal

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Build VLC 1.0.2 with NetBeans

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 02 Nov 2009 16:35

Use MSys and not cygwin. And I am not sure why you need to build VLC if you just want to integrate. Just take the sdk/ files from the .zip
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: Build VLC 1.0.2 with NetBeans

Postby lav.agrawal » 04 Nov 2009 05:36

Thanks for Reply, actually I want to make some changes in VLC code because there are some bugs are there and also I want to make some changes according to my requirements.
Please help me in details to configure Netbeans and MSys with VLC.

I am using VLC in my application for IP Cameras, If any camera is disconnected while playing, there is no reconnection strategy in VLC. So that I was trying to reconnect by stop and play in a while loop with some delay of 10 sec. but the major problem is that my system's http service blocked totally with this stop & play frequently.
(the problem becomes more sensitive when the camera is connected but streams are not available to play.)
http service block means when I am browsing any website or accessing any web page; my IE(Internet Explorer ) displays network disconnect and on diagnosis it says WinSock corrupted and need to reset.
I'm not sure why VLC is corrupting Winsock on frequent start-stop in a loop.
I'm using .Net Interop wrapper and here is sample code


Kindly help me out from this problem.

With Regards
Lav Agrawal

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