Audio filter to reduce noise

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Audio filter to reduce noise

Postby madiyaan » 30 Jan 2005 10:20

I have a few video clips of mine and a few movies I downloaded off the internet that have a LOT of noise. I'm a VLC newbie, and have absolutely no clue how to use filters. I've heard that there is a program called ffdshow that can help you reduce your noise. There is also a program called AC3 that can reduce noise to a very low level. Any idea on how to reduce noise either thru' VLC itself, or using the above programs (ffdshow, AC3).
Any help will be greately appreciated.

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 893
Joined: 26 Nov 2003 09:38

Postby Sigmund » 30 Jan 2005 14:39

vlc have no noice reduction functionality, not can vlc take advantage of ffdshow or AC3(whatever that might be). Noise shouldn't be handled in the player, you should use some audio processing program to fix that in my oppinion


Postby madiyaan » 30 Jan 2005 22:52

How would you go about doing that in Windows? Any ideas on how to do noise processing outside of VLC thru' a free program?

P.S. I've noticed that if you go into prefrences, there is an option of audio filters if you enable advanced stuff on.

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 1536
Joined: 22 Feb 2004 17:42

Postby markfm » 30 Jan 2005 23:22

Do a search for virtualdub 1.6.3, a freeware non-real-time video processing app.

VDub works on .avi or .mpg source files. If you have files in other formats that are viewable by VLC, you can use VLC to transcode to mpeg.

Launch VirtualDub, do a file -- open file to select the video you want to process.

Select Audio -- Use Advanced Filtering to turn on access to VDub's audio filters, then select Audio -- Filters to open the Audio Filters window. Depending on what your source audio is like, a mix of the highpass, lowpass, and ratty pitch shift filters may do what you want. You can chain filters -- for instance a lowpass and a highpass chained give you a bandpass, cutting off low "hum" as well as high pitched "squeaks".

There's halfway decent documentation for it, at, and a lot of filters available from multiple people.

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