Partial Extract

macOS specific usage questions

Partial Extract

Postby Gumbo » 17 Apr 2006 00:55

I'm having trouble extracting sections of video.

Tried extracting directly from the Bookmarks window - adding bookmarks for the desired section on the fly then selecting both and clicking Extract - and also Partial Extract in the Streaming/Transcoding Wizard.

No matter where I set the start point the extracted section always begins from the very start of the source file.

There are of course other tools available to split files but it would be much more convenient if the Bookmark procedure worked.

Anyone else got this working?

VLC 0.8.4/0.84a
Mac OS 10.4.6
G4 1.25GHz


Postby Guest » 20 Jun 2006 13:53

I'm having the same problem. Is this a bug?


Me too

Postby Guest » 04 Aug 2006 01:30

Having the same problem


Postby Guest » 11 Aug 2006 01:39

I had this issue too,
The from - to values are expected in another format;
however if you do it like descibed here: viewtopic.php?t=19474&highlight=extract you should be fine


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Postby fkuehne » 13 Aug 2006 23:05

I reproduced that on my Mac, but all I can say yet is that its a core issue, so it's not specific to the certain OSX-interface parts, which are written by myself. I'll file a trac ticket about this and hope that someone with more knowledge of VLC's core will have a look at it.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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Re: Partial Extract

Postby markdfink » 16 Jun 2009 20:44

I know this thread is quite old, but I think I've figured out how to do this. Since the solution isn't listed here, I'm hoping I'm not posting something that is now obvious.

I'm using version 0.8.6c (wxWidgets interface). First, I go to File, then Wizard, then choose Transcode/Save, and Next.

I choose Select a stream, and browse to it. I check the Partial Extract Enable box, then in the From field, type the starting point in SECONDS where I want the partial extract to begin, and then the end time in seconds as well.

Here's the strange part. It only seems to work if the From point is 4,290 seconds or less. If I type 4,300 in From, it invariably begins transcoding from the beginning of the file.

At the moment, I'm testing a multi-transcode approach for a file that is 3:55:30 long. I can easily extract just the first two hours, but since I can't tell it to start at 7,200 (two hours) and extract the rest, I'm going to tell it to start the extract at 4,290, and go to the end. Then, I'll do the same thing again on that resulting file until I've progressively trimmed it down to being the final 1:55:30 of the original file. Not very elegant, but it should allow me to get this big file on two discs.


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Re: Partial Extract

Postby markdfink » 17 Jun 2009 15:29

Accidental discovery here, but it looks like if you first convert your mpg movie to mov format, then you can set any beginning and ending point that you want. I just did that with a 3:55 movie, converted the whole thing to mov, then was able to extract one hour from 7200 to 10,800. It looks like the mpg format has issues with time values beyond 4290?


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