bug in libvlc_video_set_track

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bug in libvlc_video_set_track

Postby XilasZ » 16 Jun 2009 20:57

hi, I was testing the new version of libvlc , and i found a little bug.

first i was trying to disable the video track using libvlc_video_set_track(-1) : it disables the audio track.
then i tried to enable the video track again using libvlc_video_set_track(1) : it crashs.

The same thing works perfectly with audio track.

after a little digging in vlc's sources, i found this line in the middle of function libvlc_video_set_track:

Code: Select all

'i_ret = var_Set( p_input_thread, "audio-es", val );'
I guess it should be :

Code: Select all

'i_ret = var_Set( p_input_thread, "video-es", val );'
I'll continue to test libvlc, and report everything i find.


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Re: bug in libvlc_video_set_track

Postby The DJ » 17 Jun 2009 20:47

Yikes, thanks for finding that. Big bug. will be fixed ASAP.
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Re: bug in libvlc_video_set_track

Postby XilasZ » 18 Jun 2009 11:37

I found something else.

The 6 functions to get/set tracks (video/audio/subtitles) do not work the same way.

video_set_track use the real track id of the stream, while the 5 other ones use the index in the track list.

I also noticed yesterday that deinterlace doesn't work anymore. I use options "vout-filter=deinterlace" and "deinterlace-mode=x".

I'll check with the RC4 if it's fixed.

edit: i've just tested libvlc from RC4, video play seems to be broken, it hangs, and visual studio says the memory may be corrupted. It works fine with RC3.
edit2: back at home, RC4 doesn't hang. strange

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