Downsides to deleting WMP to replace with VLC on Windows?

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Michael B.
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Downsides to deleting WMP to replace with VLC on Windows?

Postby Michael B. » 01 Jun 2009 01:11

I've been using VLC for a little while now and I'd like to remove Windows Media Player because it seems redundant to have an extra media player. I'm concerned about what might happen if I remove this, though.

Can VLC completely replace Windows Media Player or will deleting it cause Windows to lose functionality? Also, does VLC rely on any .dll's (or anything else) from Windows Media Player? Are there any other downsides I haven't considered?

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Downsides to deleting WMP to replace with VLC on Windows?

Postby Arite » 01 Jun 2009 03:06

VLC uses some dmo codecs from Windows (for e.g. WMV3 decoding) but other than that it is completely self-contained.

As for removing Windows Media Player, if you can do then I'm not sure whether DirectShow codecs are removed as well (can always reinstall WMP if necessary - might need to be latest version though).

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