Error in accessing input thread

This forum is about all development around libVLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 61
Joined: 11 Nov 2008 10:55
VLC version: 0.8.6.i
Operating System: Windows

Error in accessing input thread

Postby Khenatram » 14 May 2009 14:23


I am creating a application in C#, using NativeLibVLC.cs class. I am trying to get the input thread using following code.

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using (VlcPlaylistObject vpobj = new VlcPlaylistObject(this.vlcHandle)) { if (vpobj.SubObject != IntPtr.Zero) { IntPtr p_input = libvlc_playlist_get_input(ref vpobj.libvlc, ref vpobj.exception); MessageBox.Show(Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(vpobj.exception.psz_message)); input_item_t ttt = (input_item_t)Marshal.PtrToStructure(p_input, typeof(input_item_t)); IntPtr IpThread = libvlc_get_input_thread(p_input, ref vpobj.exception); input_thread_t tt2t = (input_thread_t)Marshal.PtrToStructure(IpThread, typeof(input_thread_t)); } }
but I am getting "0" value from "libvlc_playlist_get_input" function , I checked vpobj.exception.psz_message and the text was "No active input". But the application was playing a streamed video.

Am I missing anything here?? I am using 0.8.6.i version of VLC.


Rémi Denis-Courmont
Posts: 15330
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Re: Error in accessing input thread

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 14 May 2009 17:04

0.8.6 is old outdated and buggy...
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 61
Joined: 11 Nov 2008 10:55
VLC version: 0.8.6.i
Operating System: Windows

Re: Error in accessing input thread

Postby Khenatram » 15 May 2009 06:03

Isn't there any workaround to get the input_item_t or input_thread_t object in C# program? I am done with the required implementation for my application and at this point I think it would be very difficult for me to move to new version. :?



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