Well, I suppose it's easy for a person having 4 cones to do it

I've always used the 086 version because it's simple and easy. Ctrl+A, Refresh list, and Choose device, OK. That's all. I have of course tried to do something with the new version, 099, as well as with several nightly versions, but first I suppose I will never be able to figure out exactly what to put exactly where to make it play a channel, since there are so many fields there, of which I don't understand the meaning, and I have tried a lot, inputting frequencies and symbol rates, with no luck as yet, second, it's impossible to input any data because the dialogue box, including the advanced options box, is set to be Always on top, so .... for each piece of data you have to close it to see the data, then open the box again, and all data is gone, so... it's unfeasible. By "supporting" I meant "recognizing the cards as a directshow device in the dialogue", just as it does recognize my web camera and my cheap TV tuner, and many other devices.
If you know how to make it play, even through command line, please help me understand it, too. I've tried inputting some data into the customize line and then copy/pasting it into command line, but nothing happened. I'm not an expert, but I've managed to run successfully the tv tuner from cmd.
All my attempts lead to main error: cannot pre fill buffer
I'd appreciate some hints. Thank you.