VLC streaming

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New Cone
New Cone
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VLC streaming

Postby ranet » 27 Apr 2009 16:34


I using VLC 0.9.9
When I want to stream a file, I receive the next messages:

File reading failed:
VLC could not open the file "D:\TDTESS.avi :sub-file=D:/TDTESS.srt :subsdec-align=0 :freetype-rel-fontsize=16".
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'D:\TDTESS.avi :sub-file=D:/TDTESS.srt :subsdec-align=0 :freetype-rel-fontsize=16'. Check the log for details.

I tried with different type of files (.avi, .mkv etc).

Can you help, please?

Best regards,

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 601
Joined: 20 Mar 2008 09:44
VLC version: 0.9.8a & 1.0-git
Operating System: GNU/Linux Fedora10
Location: France

Re: VLC streaming

Postby thannoy » 27 Apr 2009 18:30

What do you do to stream the file, what is your command line?

The most obvious problem given in this log is about quotes in command line. Each argument have to be "separated" but your logs make me think you have quoted all argument in a single bag. Hence VLC will try to open a very weird URL (containing others command-line options).

Input URL should be "D:\TDTESS.avi" and the rest should be some parameters (around 3 distinct parameters).

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 21 May 2009 18:27

Re: VLC streaming

Postby vidrunr » 22 May 2009 20:08

I think I get similar behavior when trying to play a file over a windows share but, I'm not sure
whether the OP could play the video at all? If this should be a separate thread let me know or turn it into one -- either way.

The client running vlc is Windows XP MCE.
The Share is a USB drive (NTFS) mounted to an Ubuntu 8 host.
Network: Wireless-G

It works until I try to browse folders on the same share in Windows Explorer.

So, intermittently, as soon as I select a file or folder in Windows Explorer I get the following
error repeated many times in a modal Errors dialog:
File reading failed:
VLC could not read the file.

Under 0.9.9 vlc hung and had to be aborted.

Under 1.0.0 rc1 the video ubruptly stops. I can hit play again and it starts playing at the begining.

Note: It's not consistent and seems to be related to something going on with the
Windows protocol (my connection strength is always between "Excellent" and "Very Good").
It seems to happen whenever Windows takes a second extra to respond when selecting files or folders in Windows Explorer -- if that makes any sense.

It seems like something is causing a delay and It's like vlc is not getting the video data quick enough
and decides it can no longer reach the file?

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