codecs for linux (XVid)

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codecs for linux (XVid)

Postby JaredThane » 15 Dec 2004 00:11

First I'd like to say this is an awesome piece of software, thousands of thanks.
I've been using in windows for a while now. -- It plays everything.
Now I'm trying to switch to linux right now I'm running SuSE 9.?
Install was smooth, but many of my videos that ran under windows aren't working. It seems the XVid codec isn't there or not installed right. All of the files I'm trying to use have DVDRip in the filename... not sure if that's helpful. any suggestions on how to install needed codecs? Thanks.

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Postby dionoea » 20 Dec 2004 19:41

Most codecs supported by vlc are handled by the ffmpeg library. Xvid is among those. I have no experience of suse but that might fix your problem.

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