Improvent of the "Media Information"

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Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby vlc_fan-01 » 07 Apr 2009 23:47


I would like a different layout or revam in the 'Media Information' of VLC and too if possible customability into let us choose by setting what info can be shown.

This is the Codec/Media information from MPUI which is a fast windows frontend for mplayer

What do you think?
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Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 08 Apr 2009 10:00

And you can't access those information in VLC?
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Re: Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby vlc_fan-01 » 08 Apr 2009 14:35

Well let's see again...

No display of: video bitrate, duration, file extension, decoder, software used

Apologies Jean for postingt and sounding like a total newbie again it's just that I compared it to MPUI and VLC's on a quick blink of the eye, but I am not meaning to downplay VLC against other player's simply wanting to point out any small areas for the progression of VLC
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Re: Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby iwata » 08 Apr 2009 17:59

indeed you do access to many informations , but some are still erroneous (mostly with audio codec type and bit rate)

Now you also do get... less infos than GSpot (for instance)

not that this is a high level priority , but if it is possible to match GSpot , it would be great !
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Re: Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 08 Apr 2009 18:51

Well let's see again...

No display of: video bitrate, duration, file extension, decoder, software used

Apologies Jean for postingt and sounding like a total newbie again it's just that I compared it to MPUI and VLC's on a quick blink of the eye, but I am not meaning to downplay VLC against other player's simply wanting to point out any small areas for the progression of VLC
Bitrate is there, IIRC. File extension is a joke and doesn't mean anything. Decoder, I don't see how that is relevant. Software used, we try to show everything we have in the extra panel.
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Re: Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby vlc_fan-01 » 11 Apr 2009 23:15

Yes file extension is a joke when it comes to video and audio streams contained ; always has been hasn't it :)

yes bitrate is there, the video in the above example when played through VLC must have been an error.

Please answer me this also:

What about the codec/media information icon being placed on the playback toolbar? I couldn't find it in customize icons in VLC 1.0 beta, and I am meaning the smart looking blue icon with the 'I' for the codec/media information.
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Re: Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 14 Apr 2009 08:33

What about the codec/media information icon being placed on the playback toolbar? I couldn't find it in customize icons in VLC 1.0 beta, and I am meaning the smart looking blue icon with the 'I' for the codec/media information.
Yes, this isn't done. You want it? Fill a bug on trac.
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Re: Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby Eagle1 » 21 Apr 2009 22:35

I also be surprised by about this poor Media-Info and Codec from any Clip. Why is Clipduration, AspectRation, FrameRate or Width / Height a big Problem to display?

This are the Media File-Infos:

VLC shows with this file only:

I need this Information for Cutting / 3D-Matchmoving, etc. and always need other Software!?


A useful Feature Requests :D

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Re: Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 22 Apr 2009 00:05

VLC 1.0.0 has more info than 0.9.9... please check it out !
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Re: Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby DGMurdockIII » 22 Apr 2009 00:22

this would rock if it was to mode one users could understand with out having info they dont need like the only showing the origanly poster put as this could also be useds to help with vlc has problem

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Re: Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby vlc_fan-01 » 27 May 2009 14:04

VLC 1.0.0 has more info than 0.9.9... please check it out !
What about the layout of the info in 1.0 ??
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Re: Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 27 May 2009 14:10

Layout will not change.
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Re: Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby vlc_fan-01 » 27 May 2009 14:33

Im sorry to complain a lot Jean. These are only further suggestions so try not to take what im writing in the worng way:

1. Maybe if we as the users were given options in 'advanced' to customise the layout (up,down and naming controls) for the media information that would be nice.

2. Like Shelltoys - an option to 'copy media info' which would be for all the users out there that may need this at times for video publising purposes but may have never heard of Shelltoys or related apps - would be nice to be integrated into VLC

btw shelltoys itself currently does not show 'video bitrate' but developer told me this is been worked on
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Re: Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby vlc_fan-01 » 14 Jun 2009 20:35

Well let's see again...

No display of: video bitrate, duration, file extension, decoder, software used

Apologies Jean for postingt and sounding like a total newbie again it's just that I compared it to MPUI and VLC's on a quick blink of the eye, but I am not meaning to downplay VLC against other player's simply wanting to point out any small areas for the progression of VLC
Bitrate is there, IIRC. File extension is a joke and doesn't mean anything. Decoder, I don't see how that is relevant. Software used, we try to show everything we have in the extra panel.
Bitrate is not showing for .mp4 in particular a 720p video I have
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Re: Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby The DJ » 15 Jun 2009 12:20

Bitrate in general is only shown when we accurately know it at the demux level. If we need to get it at the decoder, i think we cannot show it atm.
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Re: Improvent of the "Media Information"

Postby vlc_fan-01 » 30 Jun 2009 04:31

Thanks DJ, for the info on video bitrate reading I'll bare that in mind.
What about the codec/media information icon being placed on the playback toolbar? I couldn't find it in customize icons in VLC 1.0 beta, and I am meaning the smart looking blue icon with the 'I' for the codec/media information.
Yes, this isn't done. You want it? Fill a bug on trac.
Thanks J-B, in the bug trac response on trac you confirmed that you WILL add this eventually saiying that it is easy to. Thanks.

Ok I have more issues and ideas which I will surely fill a bug trac for but want to put on the forum first. Maybe should have put some in the 1.0 testing sub-forum...

1. Identified BUG with media information: Just play an audio in VLC and view the tag data in media information. Close media information and press 'stop' to stop the track entirely. Then play again and then view media information - notice that the media information is now not showing anything as it was in the previous playback. It is no different when playing the next track in this same intance.

I think this is a small but still important bug in need of a fix.

2. Media Information - Incorrect tag reading 'Publisher' (vlc 1.1.0-git-20090629-2203-win32)

*Incorrect tag reading in the notable tag field of Publisher. The current tag field still displays tag info but for a tag field known as "ENCODEDBY" (encoded by) according to short tests done with VLC media information tag reading and the application mp3tag. "ENCODEDBY" would be useful to show in the 'extra metadata' tab so hold on to this, to which also brings me to my below concerning extended tags that taglib supports.

Look at each of these crucial four images which show what I mean with the tag info:

example 1- metadata tagged mp3 -vlc and mp3tag comparison-
Image Image Image

example 2- metadata tagged mp3 -vlc and mp3tag comparison-
Image Image

3. Album Art is not however being displayed on the actual VLC QT gui of 'media information' on Windows (embedded or from a folder) but is still being saved as a file in a local directory on Windows which is WRONG/shouldn't be since VLC should only directly read these images only, the directory is: Application Data\vlc\art\artistalbum

It might make it easier for VLC, when reading album art, to just bit by bit (for example: scanning the file with notification of scanning) thus would make it more convenient for VLC efficiency when playing multiple file's that have different tag info and accompanying attached album art picture.

*Album art (embedded) is not showing on the actual QT -->1.0 feature freeze
*Album art (image from folder of audio file) is not showing on the actual QT -->1.0 feature freeze

4. Shouldn't album art image be showing on the blank vlc video screen (as I have seen in a screenshot elsewhere) maybe not supported as yet for the Windows builds of VLC. I am using both 1.0 rc4 and 1.1 nighties ... /vlc01.jpg

5. Add the display of the useful tag fields 'Composer'

*IMO it would be best displayed between Publisher and Copyright on the Media Information panel.
*Could this be easily slipped in before 1.0 final? Since taglib seems to be alrady implemeneted.
*The adding of Composer should really ever be the tag field needed of diaply importance on the 'general' tab of Media Information.

6. More extended tags to be supported in 'extra metadata' tab

*so all tags that is supported by tagblib (now a part of vlc) can fully be shown if they are identified in the file
*also showing of tag version in the first line (Id3 v1, Id3 v2, Ape etc...)
*Focus on all possible id3 tags supported currently be Taglib atm, in particular these if possible:

encoded by
disc number
encoder settings
encoding time
URL (website/internet/www)

7. WMA tag reading and eventual saving. This can likely be supported with open source extensions to taglib library.
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